ARISE Life Skills Program for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care (44 Books)
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($1,481.80 value; a savings of $211.81 OFF regular prices)
Overview of this Package
It Is Never Too Late to Educate Students in Foster Care so They Age Out Successfully
The ARISE life skills programs assist teens and young adults in making a successful transition to responsible, independent adulthood. Enable your residents with practical easy to absorb independent living skills using the highly regarded ARISE life skills curricula
Young adults aging out of foster care, living in group homes or out-of-home placement, and homeless shelters need everyday life-skills in order to live on their own. The ARISE life skills curriculum provides materials for residential treatment, addressing problems such as poor social skills, few positive relationships, and low self-esteem. The lessons deal with many issues relevant to independent living, such as finding and keeping a job, money and time management, making healthy choices, and more.
The curriculum included in this package covers the following areas.
- Anger and conflict management (priceless information).
- Secrets of finding a job and keeping it.
- Achieve your dreams using vital time management skills.
- Disarming the substance abuse self-destruct button.
- Long term grief associated with the use of guns and physical violence.
- Heads up on abusive sexual behavior.
- Essential communication skills - non-verbal and verbal.
- Fundamental relationship skills –including the importance of sharing your feelings.
- Building self-confidence and the opinion you have about yourself.
- Practical skills needed to manage your emotions.
- Decision-making skills for relationships, your money -credit cards avoiding pay day loans too.
- The positive effects of developing good personal health and hygiene habits. A winning combination.
- Why eating healthy and being physically active are important parts of self-development.
- Through all of life’s ups and downs discover what it takes to live a happy, successful, meaningful life
- Learn why facts don’t lie. Those without a high school diploma earn less a lot less. Getting the good things in life takes education. One of the payoffs for working hard in school is never having to tell your family, “we can’t afford it”.
- The life of a teen mom is hard. Raising children alone can be depressing. The future of this little person you brought into the world can be very bleak. ”We realize most of what bothers us, we created ourselves.”
- What it takes to be a Dad. The ARISE, Dad Basic Training Manual, opens the eyes of teen mom’s and dad’s as to what a father’s role should be in raising their children.
- Buying a car is a big deal. The more you know the better deal you will get. Learn the smart moves for buying, owning and maintaining your vehicle. – Plus you need to know what you are responsible for prior to sliding behind the wheel . Below is a link to a government web site that will help educate you before you spend a cent. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0055-buying-used-car
Package Format
- Perfect for students in foster care, including teens and young adults.
- Excellent for groups where the populations come and go. They can be in a group for a day or for months.
- Consists of 44 unique curricula. If you purchase the comprehensive package it consists of 50 curricula plus unforgettable educational life skills posters and incredibly special positivity cards and free online life-skills training for one staff person.
- Each 45–60-minute lesson can stand alone.
- These life skills lessons engage the youth in memorable interactive group discussions and hands-on activities. Opinions matter in ARISE groups. There are no put downs.
- Every lesson is self-contained, and no additional material is needed.
- High interest but low reading level. No big words to trip and fall over that would turn these youth off.
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
Work In Progress Series
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Manual)
Work in Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 3 Domestic and Sexual Abuse (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 3 Domestic and Sexual Abuse (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Workbook)
Drop Out Prevention Series
So You’re Thinking of Dropping Out of School? (Manual)
So You're Thinking of Dropping Out of School? (Workbook)
So You’re Thinking of Staying in School? (Manual)
So You're Thinking of Staying in School? (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive Series
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 2 Learning Strategies and Time Management (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 2 Learning Strategies and Time Management (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Workbook)
Basic Health 101 Series
Basic Health 101 Book 1 Health and Hygiene (Manual)
Basic Health 101 Book 1 Health and Hygiene (Workbook)
Basic Health 101 Book 2 Nutrition and Exercise (Manual)
Basic Health 101 Book 2 Nutrition and Exercise (Workbook)
Brain Food Series
Brain Food Book 1 Peaceful Living
Brain Food Book 2 Creating a Positive Outlook
Brain Food Book 3 Supercharging Your System
Brain Food Book 4 Being Safe
Brain Food Book 5 More Secrets of Success
Brain Food Book 6 The Right Stuff and Money Matters
Brain Food Official Teaching Activity Guide
Life Skills Stories Series
Taneka's Tales 31 Stories of Urban Life
Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting - Sprouts Series
Sprouts Book 1 Prenatal Care and Delivery (Manual)
Sprouts Book 1 Prenatal Care and Delivery (Workbook)
Sprouts Book 2 Physical and Emotional Development (Manual)
Sprouts Book 2 Physical and Emotional Development (Workbook)
Sprouts Book 3 Building a Family and Teen Pregnancy (Manual)
Sprouts Book 3 Building a Family and Teen Pregnancy (Workbook)
Sprouts Book 4 Child Safety (Manual)
Sprouts Book 4 Child Safety (Workbook)
Are You Living an Upside Down Life?
Fatherhood Series
Fatherhood Dad’s Basic Training (Manual)
Fatherhood Dad’s Basic Training (Workbook)
Rules of the Road Series
Rules of the Road (Manual)
Rules of the Road (Workbook)
Plus plus plus includes:
What Life is Like Behind Bars
ARISE Comprehensive Aging Out of Foster Care Package (6 Additional Books) for $970:
Add these books, posters and positivity cards from the What Every Young Woman Should Know package (also includes 2 Bonus Books) to have everything you need to provide ARISE'S lifelong advantages to your girls and young women (select this option from the drop-down above Add to Cart).
Plus plus plus includes:
One ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training. (To order additional trainings visit: ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training).
Domestic Abuse (Manual)
Domestic Abuse (Workbook)
Relationship Audits and More for Girl’s Only - Black and White (Manual)
Relationship Audits and More for Girl’s Only - Black and White (Workbook)
5 Full-Color, 12x18, Laminated Educational Posters
1 Sample pack of ARISE Life Skills Positivity Cards (50 cards per pack)
1 Maximize the Effectiveness of ARISE Positivity Cards
FREE Bonus Books:
Get Smart! Book 4 Day in the Life of a Dropout, Teenage Mom, Behind Bars and Success Quotes
Get Smart! Book 7 Tips for Teaching