ARISE Life Skills Curriculum for Summer School and Camp Programs for Elementary, Middle and High School
Summer school is the perfect time to provide at risk youth with life and social skills lessons that deal with personal growth, self-confidence and building self-esteem. It can be a good time to focus on self-control, communication, interpersonal skills and managing anger.
Evidence based life skills curriculum during the summer can provide structure to the youth’s summer experience. It helps them be engaged, focused, and stay out of trouble.
Life Skills course curriculum provide at risk youth with strategies to make healthy life choices that contribute to a productive and meaningful life.
Summer school and camp programs run anywhere from one – eight weeks long. Each of the ARISE lessons run for 45 minutes to one hour. The amount of material you will need is dependent on the length of your program and the number of weekly life skills sessions you do. For one to three sessions per week you would need one manual and workbooks for the youth. ARISE offers Curriculum Packs for one Instructor's Manual and either 5 workbooks, 15 workbooks or 30 workbooks - use the dropdown arrow above the 'Add' button to select the best option for your groups.
Elementary Life Skills Curriculum for Summer Programs

(View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below.)
Grades K- 1
Little By Little: K - Grade 1, Book 1 - My Character, Ethics & Emotions, Instructor's Manual
Topics include respect, understanding differences, cooperation, good manners, listening, sharing, and following rules.
Little By Little: K - Grade 1, Book 4 - Art Activities & Puppet Plays, Instructor's Manual
Art Projects and puppet plays on topics such as self-esteem, “no” to guns, safety issues, drugs, friends, anger and more.
Grades 2-3
Topics include handling anger and conflict. Dealing with bullies, avoiding drugs, protecting themselves from strangers and more.
Grades 4-5
This book contains word games on many important life skills topics such as, self-esteem, nutrition and health, environmental impacts, guns in our environment, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, time management, exercise and more. The youth complete the word game in groups or individually and then they come together to discuss the important information.
Middle School Life Skills Curriculum for Summer Programs

(View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below.)
Anger Conflict and Drugs
Life Skills for Middle School, Volume 1
Topics: Anger management, conflict resolution, getting along with parents and authority figures, dangers of drugs.
Learning Strategies
Life Skills for Middle School, Volume 2
Topics: Importance of reading to gain information, decision making to move forward, time management, responsibilities to hold a job, managing money.
Self Esteem
Life Skills for Middle School, Volume 3
Topics: Developing self-worth, making the right choices, positive actions.
Healthy Life Choices
Life Skills for Middle School, Volume 4
Topics: Nutrition, exercise, self-care, suicide, AIDS, being a wise consumer.
Drama -Infused Life Skills
Topics: Careers and job readiness infused with drama.
Stories on Dealing with Anger
Topics: Stories to read and discuss dealing with anger.
Each session is reading a story together and thinking about consequences makes the outcomes better.
High School Life Skills Curriculum for Summer Programs
(View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below.)
Choose one or more of the titles for your summer program.
Stories that teach important Life Skills Lessons.
Collection of stories for teens about urban life of at-risk youth living with domestic abuse, gun violence, drug use, gang culture and more. Stories are followed by discussion ideas and activities designed to inspire thought and conversation.
Topics: Gang prevention.
Topics: Anger, violence, and gangs.
31 of Taneka's Urban Life Tales Book
Topics: Domestic abuse, gun violence, drug use, gang culture, aids and more.