ARISE Mental and Physical Health for Teens and Young Adults (23 Books)
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Mental & Physical Health for Teens & Young Adults
($1,145.55 value; a savings of $225.56 OFF regular prices)
Overview of this package
A person’s overall health is about more than the absence of disease. It is the state of physical, mental and social well-being. Ultimately, it’s the key to living a productive and satisfying life. Mental and physical health for teens includes exercise, eating a healthy diet, self-esteem, dangers of alcohol and tobacco, and dealing with violence and conflict. ARISE Foundation has a mental health program designed specifically for teens and young adults.
ARISE Foundation mental and physical health package format
- Used for teens and young adults.
- Consists of 23 curricular plus life skills educational posters.
- Each lesson stands alone. Start with whatever topic you want.
- There is an instructor’s manual and learner’s workbook for each topic.
- Every lesson is self-contained, and no additional material is needed.
- High interest but low reading level.
- Can easily be adapted for exceptional students.
- Workbooks are available if you work with groups.
Topics Covered in this Package:
- How your body works.
- Staying active.
- Foods for health.
- Nutrition facts.
- Managing anger and stress.
- Dealing with violence and conflict.
- Building self-esteem and self-worth.
- Learning drug resistance skills.
- Handling tobacco and alcohol issues.
Plus plus plus includes:
One ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training. (To order additional trainings visit: ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training).
The ARISE mental and physical health package contains all the materials to deliver a basic mental and physical health program for teens or young adults.
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual (or individual title) and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
Work In Progress Series
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Manual)
Work in Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 3 Domestic and Sexual Abuse (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 3 Domestic and Sexual Abuse (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Workbook)
The Complete Official Homosapiens Series
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 1 Parts and Operations (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 1 Parts and Operations (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 2 Maintaining Your Equipment (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 2 Maintaining Your Equipment (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 3 Take the Highway to Health (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 3 Take the Highway to Health (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 4 Family Medical Records (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 4 Family Medical Records (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Vocabulary Book
Four Wheel Drive Series
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Workbook)
Brain Food Series
Brain Food Book 1 Peaceful Living
Brain Food Book 2 Creating a Positive Outlook
Brain Food Book 3 Supercharging Your System
Brain Food Official Teaching Activity Guide
Plus plus plus includes:
5 Full-Color, 12x18, Laminated Educational Posters
1 Sample pack of ARISE Life Skills Positivity Cards (50 cards per pack)
1 Maximize the Effectiveness of ARISE Positivity Cards
Call us toll free with any questions Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm — 561-630-2021 or us at email.