Digital Products


ARISE “The Bully Book”, 
Bullying is a Mental Health Issue

ARISE "The Bully Book", Bullying is a Mental Health Issue

According to the American Psychological Association, “Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions. The bullied individual typically has trouble defending him or herself and does nothing to “cause” the bullying.”

The ARISE Bully Book scratches the surface in an attempt to alert the reader to the effects of bullying, and strategies for avoiding bullying put-downs. This is a book for anyone who deals with middle and high school youth to teach them basic life skills about bullying. ARISE Offers this Free Digital Book for you to share with the youth in your life either at work or at home. Adults can also learn from the Bully Book. Many of us have experienced forms of bullying at work.

View the ARISE Digital Resource “The Bully Book”



ARISE “20 Tips for Dealing with Guilt”
for Middle and High School At-Risk Youth

ARISE “20 Tips for Dealing with Guilt” for Middle and High School At-Risk Youth

Children and teens feel guilty when they break the rules – either the rules of society or their personal code of ethics. That could mean breaking plans with a friend at the last minute, or it could mean stealing, cheating or worse.

The amount of guilt they feel is likely based on both “nature” (genetics) and “nurture” (the way they were raised). No matter how much guilt they feel or the reasons why, understanding how to stop feeling guilty begins with a set of actions they can take

ARISE created “20 Tips for Dealing with Guilt” which is a simple tool to engage at risk youth in an open discussion about handling guilt. This book is not a therapeutic tool, but a way to have middle and high school at risk youth talk about things that may help them in dealing with life’s problems. 

View the ARISE Digital Resource “20 Tips for Avoiding Guilt”



ARISE “20 Tips for Dealing with Depression” for Middle and High School At-Risk Youth

Digital Book: ARISE “20 Tips for Dealing with Depression” for Middle and High School At-Risk Youth

According to the CDC Teens ages 12-17
36.7 % have persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities. It affects how a teenager thinks, feels and behaves and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems The following can trigger depression: traumatic events (such as divorce of a parent, death of a loved one, family or friendship problems). Since the pandemic, which was a traumatic event, the mental health of youth is at-risk and has become more widespread.

ARISE created “20 Tips for Dealing with Depression” which is a simple tool to engage at risk youth in an open discussion about ways to deal with depression. This book is not a therapeutic tool, but a way to sit down with a group of middle and high school at-risk youth to talk about things that may help them in dealing with life’s problems.

View the ARISE Digital Resource “20 Tips for Dealing with Depression”



ARISE Digital Book “Only Joking” a Life Skills Lesson about Threats for Middle and High School

I was Only Joking can be a threat.
Take it seriously and report the incident.
It can save lives.


From Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, a total of 169 people have been killed in mass shootings at schools.

The latest mass shooting was on May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old Salvador Ramos fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers and wounded seventeen other people at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

ARISE Digital Book “Only Joking” a Life Skills Lesson about Threats for Middle and High School

Jocelyn Rodriquez, 19 an employee at the Wendy’s restaurant where Salvador Ramos worked said “He would curse at the customers, at the mangers, and even at her. She recalled that once he told her, I’m going to shoot up the Wendy’s, but she never took his threats seriously, she said, I thought he was only joking”.



A threat is any words, written messages or actions that threaten bodily harm, death, damage to real or personal property, or any injury or death to any animal belonging to that person. Take this seriously and tell someone. It is not snitching.

Snitching is reporting a wrongdoing, when the situation is safe, and you can handle it yourself. Telling is alerting someone that the situation is not safe. Be on the safe side and tell someone.

View the ARISE Digital Resource "Only Joking"