ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training, with quantity discounts
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Train multiple staff at one facility as ARISE Life Skills Group Facilitators (use the drop-down to select the number of staff to be trained).
If you have questions or want to order quantity discounts for 15 or more staff? Please call 561-630-2021 or email debbie@arisefoundation.org.
What is ARISE Life Skills Online Training?
ARISE Online Life Skills Training prepares individuals and organizational staff to become ARISE Life Skills Group Facilitators. It is designed for those with no formal teaching experience and others with lots of know-how who want to refresh their skills. This interactive transformative training experience will resonate with those anxious to improve the lives of troubled youth.
Format of the ARISE Online Life Skills Training:
This training is a comprehensive, self-paced, 20-hour training designed to be taken at anytime from anywhere; and you will have 60 days to complete the training. While the training is self-paced that does not mean you are on your won. ARISE is with you to offer encouragement, suggestions and to answer any questions you may have during the entire training. Each lesson has video clips from an actual training. You have material to read, and assignments to complete which are checked by an ARISE representative. At the end you will prepare a lesson and will be critiqued on your preparation. You will complete a pre/post survey and an evaluation at the end. After completion you will receive your ARISE Life Skills certification certificate.
Topics Covered in the Training
- Using the ARISE Teaching Formula
- Establishing group guidelines
- Positive reinforcement
- How to ask questions to engage youth
- How to increase participation
- Communication skills
- Using stories and quotations to inspire
- Planning activities
- Utilizing communication builders
- Observing practice lessons from assorted ARISE curriculum
- Practice planning and presenting lessons
Materials you will receive:
- A log-in and password that allows you to access the training
- A downloadable resource manual
- Downloadable sample teaching lessons
- Certification certificate
Testimonials from ARISE online Training
Tashondria Coleman, Deputy Sheriff, Correctional Dept , West Palm Beach, FL
“1. Easy to manage.
2. Fun and positive.
3. Critical thinking skill increased, had me thinking outside the box.
4. Increased my confidence level to give a presentation, now that I have the necessary tools.
Overall I enjoyed this online course. The video clips of the classroom groups were great. Thank you!”
Tiffany Swartz, Education Program Manager for Ignite Education Solutions, Johnstown, PA
“The ARISE formula helps to give the facilitator a clear path to take for each lesson. It was all good information! I thought the training was well organized and the facilitator was deeply knowledgeable. She was modeling the ARISE formula as she taught the training which was very helpful to see in action. Being able to watch others present different lessons showed how much was learned throughout the training.”
Paulette Lemons, CEO Connections-Connections, Centerville, GA
“The online training experience was fruitful. I felt as though I was a part of the class. I enjoyed the instructor. She was upbeat, clear, and precise. she did a great job explaining the various topics, guiding the class in the activities, and clearly explaining the ARISE Formula. It had a clear methodology which is easy to follow now that I have been training. All the videos, quotations, stories and material were all helpful and will definitely be great tools for use in teaching classes/workshops for our business. The training is good. I love training and learning. I learned a lot in this course and will put it to use as our at-risk youth and families need a lot of help with “life skills.” Thanks for developing it and continuous improvement.”
Telecia Dawson, Life Coach, Coral Springs, FL – December 2017
“The training was awesome! It was a step-by-step training that I believe anyone should be able to understand. I worked at my own pace and when I completed an assignment the arise staff responded in a timely manner with great encouragement. I will recommend this training program to others.”