ARISE Youth Gang Prevention Program (18 Books - plus plus plus)
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($962.80 value; a savings of $112.81 OFF regular prices)
Overview of the Package
The ARISE Gang Prevention Package consists of youth gang prevention strategies, like a life skills curriculum to help reduce the risk factors leading to gang membership. Time proven lessons created for use in juvenile justice facilities, schools, community-based organizations, after-school programs, mental health facilities, police departments and in any gang prevention program.
Topics included in this package:
- Incredibly good reasons for avoiding gang membership.
- Essential guidance for managing anger and conflict.
- Reasons for developing positive self-esteem.
- Practical steps for building a solid future and the skills needed for finding and keeping a job.
- Becoming aware of the dangerous consequences of gang member relationships.
- Life skills necessary for avoiding violence and bad behavior on the streets and at home.
- Developing important interpersonal skills that can last a lifetime.
Package Format:
- Ideal for grades 7-12.
- Consists of 18 life management books plus memorable life skills posters and relevant positivity cards messages.
- Lots of attention-grabbing appropriate stories to read and discuss.
- Each lesson can stand alone. Lasts an average of 45-60 minutes. Start with whatever topic you want.
- These breakthrough lessons connect with the youth through lively interactive group discussions and activities.
- Every lesson is self-contained, and no additional material is needed.
- High interest but low reading level.
Plus plus plus includes:
One ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training. (To order additional trainings visit: ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training).
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual (or individual title) and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
This package contains all the youth gang prevention strategies and materials needed to deliver a complete Gang Prevention Program. The following are included:
Gangs: 50+ Stories of Fractured Lives
Enough is Enough: Grandma Shares Heartbreaking Stories
Anger Danger: 50+ Anger Stories with Real-Life Consequences
150 Tips for Dealing with Anger, Temper, Worry and Stress
Brain Food Books
Brain Food Book 6 The Right Stuff and Money Matters
Brain Food Official Teaching Activity Guide
Four Wheel Drive Books
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1 Self-Esteem (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Workbook)
Get Smart! Book
Get Smart! Book 3 Bullying, Courtesy, Violence and Profanity
Get Smart! Book 7 Tips for Teaching
Work In Progress Books
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Manual)
Work in Progress Book 2 Substance Abuse and Guns (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Workbook)
Plus plus plus includes:
5 Full-Color, 12x18, Laminated Educational Posters
1 Sample pack of ARISE Life Skills Positivity Cards (50 cards per pack)
1 Maximize the Effectiveness of ARISE Positivity Cards