Janvier Gasana, MD, PhD, Associate Professor and Chair Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Faculty of Public Health Kuwait University, Hawalli, Kuwait and Online Course Director/Adjunct Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI – June 2020“Dear ARISE Founders, Over the years, ARISE has been a pillar of support to disadvantaged youth, young adults, and adults. As families struggle with the times, ARISE programs can become that shining light that never goes dim. ARISE –trained group facilitators act as mentors, sharing information from a complete library of ARISE curricula specifically written for troubled youth with reading and comprehension difficulties.”Marcus Amos, Prevention Education for Athletes , Augusta, Georgia – June 2017“The Arise curriculum has been very beneficial for the population I have been working with. I am assisting student-athletes address issues of anger management with focus self-control and skill development, within their sport. This also assist in improving their social skills off the playing field . I also address life-skill areas that affect athletes on & off the playing field related to substance abuse prevention, domestic violence, education, and career development”Melissa Okimura, BS CATC-RI, David & Margaret Youth and Family Services. La Verne, California – June 2017“Our facility uses the ARISE Life Skills Work in Progress series “Anger Management” book. We are currently working on the “Cage the Rage” lesson which is part of this book. Our youth love the worksheets which are not too long and leave plenty of time for discussion after the worksheets are completed.”Steve Mullis, Regional Director, Central Region, Detention Services, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. (Ret.)“ARISE is a Culture Converter”. ARISE celebrates 18 uninterrupted years of working with detention, residential and probation services within the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.Robert M. Levine, Manatee Regional Juvenile Detention Center“The ARISE Sprouts Curriculum provides a consistent structure with the ability to use the lessons as presented, or to structure our own using the ARISE formula.”A stellar partnership with After-School All-StarsFormer California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with ARISE Co-Founders Edmund and Susan Benson at an After-School All-Stars event.In 1993, Arnold Schwarzenegger created the After-School All-Stars Program, currently located in 14 cities across America. ARISE curricula and life skills training has been used in many of these locations with documented success. This has been particularly true in Miami. Since 1998, ARISE has provided one and often two custom designed curricula each year for the South Florida After-School All-Stars on topics such as developing positive life style habits to learning life skills through drama through our book ARISE On Stage. When former California Governor Schwarzenegger met the ARISE founders Edmund and Susan Benson, he pointed his finger at them and said, “I’m going to tell the world about your wonderful program.”Kenneth Cecil“We recently started using the Anger Management and Violence & Conflict curricula in two of our facilities. Both the staff and youth involved in these groups report overwhelmingly positive experiences from the sessions. Our youth are more engaged in these groups with higher levels of participation. We are very pleased with the ARISE format and the ongoing support that we have received after our initial training.”Carol Lang“The ARISE curricula is an outstanding tool for at-risk kids that The Salvation Army works with on a daily basis. Our work with this population involves children who have moved from location to location, lived out of their cars, on the streets, and who have had to change schools frequently. These children have not been able to form relationships or establish roots because of the transient nature of their parent’s lives.“Jayme Rowe“This letter is to place a second order for student workbooks for the City of Norman REAL Program. We recently completed the first year of our Life Skills program for juvenile offenders in the City of Norman, Oklahoma. This Program has been a resounding success and has earned positive reviews from prosecutors, educators, parents and even the juveniles.”Stephen C. Mullis“ARISE has been involved with providing training and services to juvenile detention staff for the past several years. I would like to express the overwhelmingly positive feedback I have received from those staff with regards to your training. The Drop It At The Door training has provided these staff with new concepts and ideas about themselves, their work, and the youth…”Brandon Kyle,“I am pleased to report that our incorporation of the ARISE Big Kids Book of Life Lessons, and ARISE Work In Progress: Anger Management, curricula has been a success with our at-risk youth in North Portland, OR. The ARISE curriculum has done an outstanding job of challenging each child on a personal level and as a team, and creates a dialogue for some of life’s most difficult issues. In a short time since introducing them to ARISE, we have seen laughter and tears, kids go from being closed, shy, and introverted, to being able to share their concerns and experiences with new friends.”Carol Clark”The Arise curriculum has provided us with great support and resources to promote healthy changes in the population in which we serve. I as a Clinical Manager also rely a lot on many of your workbooks during individual sessions. The Arise program has been a great asset and utilized weekly.”Crystal Petry, Contract Specialist/Case Manager“At the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission we know it takes a community to raise a child. We are doing our part to help strengthen our community by strengthening our youth, with the evidence-based curriculum, ARISE.Right now we have classes going throughout Southeast Texas. And we are already starting to see changes in the thought processes of the students who are receiving the information and knowledge from the ARISE curriculum. It is important to us that we reach as many at-risk youth as possible. The more youth we can reach the more lives we can change. Support and encouragement for the youth is something that they seem to be lacking. But because of the ARISE curriculum the youth that are enrolled and engaged in the ARISE classes are receiving not only support and encouragement but life changing information. Engaged youth in the ARISE classes will have information and knowledge that they can take with them that will allow them to learn from their mistakes. Engaged youth in the ARISE classes have a chance to start their life over and head down a different path. ARISE and the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission, a committed partnership within our community.”Harve Mogul, President & CEO, United Way of Miami Dade County“I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you and your remarkable series of ARISE Life-Management Skills. For many years your highly integrated tool has served children of all ages in our community to have the best chance for success as they grow older. Your products and staff trainings are creative and targeted and therefore, very useful in the challenge that we all share when working to improve life for young people. I know you are sharing this wonderful program with others around the country. If I can be useful at any time to help inspire others to review and adopt the ARISE Foundation’s programs, I would be pleased to do so.”Jayme Rowe Director-Juvenile Programs“Dear Mr. Benson: This letter is to place a second order for student workbooks for the City of Norman REAL Program. We recently completed the first year of our life skills program for juvenile offenders in the City of Norman, Oklahoma. This Program has been a resounding success and has earned positive reviews from prosecutors, educators, parents and even the juveniles. When we began working with ARISE to develop the curriculum for our Program, we were novices in the life skills arena. We just knew the youthful offenders we saw in our juvenile court didn’t have the tools they needed to succeed. Your staff worked many hours with us and together we created an awesome curriculum that allows us to grab and hold the kids’ attention. From the cover through the content, the workbook itself is something the students are glad to delve into and complete. As we surveyed the parents, we received requests to expand the curriculum and develop an additional literacy component. I hope this is something we can work further with ARISE on in the future. In closing, 1’d like to thank the staff of ARISE for their guidance and assistance in helping us create a worthwhile, yet enjoyable, program for the youthful offenders in Norman. We look forward to maintaining our relationship with ARISE for many years to come.”Reverend Lee Hawkins JUMP Program Coordinator, Miami River of Life, Inc.“I herald the benefits of utilizing your practical and user-friendly material to all organizations that are facilitating services to youth and/ or families. For the past three years, ARISE’s Life Management Skills material and training have been an integral part of Miami River of Life’s service provision. We have sponsored training opportunities for over fifty churches to equip them with your invaluable tools.”Sara Speer Selber President, Prepared for Life“Dear Susan & Edmund, Michael Holthouse a Houston business leader, entrepreneur and philanthropist has chosen to dedicate his life to middle school inner city youth. His passion is empowering our middle school youth to gain the life skills necessary to become healthy and contributing members of society. To fulfill his dream of creating a program to meet this need, he embarked on a research journey and hired a Rice University MBA student to find the “Cadillac” of all Life Skills curricula. That led us to your wonderful program! After we met in Houston, we were even more convinced that you were the perfect partners to help us infuse all our after school activities with your life skills curricula. Through this partnership, we believe we will now help to eliminate prevention based programs and begin to all focus on OPPORTUNITIES based learning for our youth.”Tammy Wright Covenant House Washington (Respite Center)“The most positive experience was to see this difference the lesson made in the lives of the youth and to witness the youth change for the better.” “Yes! I thank God for ARISE because the lessons have not only helped me with the youth, but the lessons also helped me personally.” “The youth have become much more committed to their life goals.” “Since becoming an ARISE Life Skill Instructor I have seen youth become more interested in life.”Lori Hardyman“A few months back we received 5 new ARISE books for the officers to use while conducting their group sessions. The officers are very pleased with all of the activities the books provide and have taken advantage of role playing, job interviewing and other activities. The youth are engaged and look forward to the sessions. The topics help provide the youth with skills to help in their decision-making while in custody as well as when they re-enter the community.”
Testimonials from Girls at a Juvenile Residential Facility in Florida“This book speaks the truth.”“Before I read this ARISE Relationship Audit book, I had horrible judgment about a boyfriend and now I know what to look for.”“I won’t just go out expecting a guy I like to love me. I’m just going to let love come to me.”“This curriculum helped me get to know the other peers in the program and they helped me realize the root of my anger and what I needed help with. The topic on trust and respect helped me the most.”“This curriculum taught me what to look forward to when it comes to relationships in general and how I should be treated. I learned how to handle my boyfriend now and what to do when conflict arises and to just stay positive and if it don’t apply, let it fly.”“I now understand a lot about myself and how I should treat people. It helped me understand where my problems come from. This is the best most helpful book I read.”Testimonials from Staff Teaching the ARISE Relationship Audit for the Girls“It allowed the girls to be honest and more opened and comfortable to talk on any topic. It allowed the girls to listen to each other and allowed some of the hidden secrets to come out that gave them relief by expressing their feelings.”“This curriculum was easy to administer for the grammar and vocabulary was easy for the youth of all ages. I liked that it encourages creativity with activities such as making a song or a poem.”
D. Clayton, Youth for Tomorrow – DC“I learned different ways to introduce topics to the youth and how to get them to participate and provide feedback. The training gave me insight into dealing with different groups of youth. The training was easy to follow. I feel I am ready to teach the youth after attending this training. The training materials I used are helpful and can remind me of what was learned.”Tami Jollie-Trother, PHD – HIS Behavioral Health, North Dakota“One of the most helpful things I learned was the ARISE Formula for developing an outline for the group. It allows for increased creativity as a therapist. This training is good for people without experience running /leading groups. The training was very clear and easy to follow and the materials provided were very helpful. The trainer demonstrated the skills needed to teach the ARISE Life Skills lessons.”Jodie Wallette Little Shell Youth Center – North Dakota“I found most helpful in this training how to communicate with the youth relating to them on their level. I now realize how important praise is –it keeps me more positive. The training was fun, and it kept me involved. I feel prepared to teach the ARISE life skills to the youth I work with. The trainer showed us how to encourage group discussions and conduct interactive activities.”George Castillo Youth Co-Op Inc. – Miami, Florida“This training exceeded my expectations . The formula learned that structures a group life skills lesson using 4 steps was the most helpful component of the training. Using icebreakers to not only open a session but for many other ways to motivate the youth was a useful tool learned. The training was clear and easy to follow and was interactive and interesting.”Essie P. Knuckle“I attended the ARISE Life-Skills training on November 19, 2004. After receiving my certificate, I have taught at least 700 young people using the ARISE method. In addition, I have conducted at least 60 sessions of ARISE Life-Skills classes using techniques learned. My colleagues, who were trained as well, have conducted many sessions and have seen the advantages of having the ARISE program in their units. Observations of the number of incidents involving juveniles in the facility, who have been enrolled in the ARISE Anger Management and Self-Esteem Life-Skills classes; have indicated a noticeable difference in behavior.One example of this difference is in a youth who has been involved in the ARISE program. A month before taking the ARISE Anger Management classes, the young man would curse at staff members and he would engage in physical altercations with those staff members. This young adult was later reviewed by the disciplinary board, released and returned to his unit. When asked what had made a difference in his behavior; he stated that he was taught how to handle situations differently and now he did not have to curse or get physical.Another example is of a young man who takes English as a Second Language (ESOL) enrolled in the ARISE Anger Management classes. He enjoyed the classes so much that he attended them in both English and Spanish. When asked why, his reply was that he learned a lot of important information that he wanted to learn it twice.Currently, inmates are asking to have the ARISE Life-Skills programs taught in their units. The lessons are interesting, easy to teach, and the materials are simple to understand. At every class, inmates come with their learner’s workbooks because they value these books. Even the officers view these workbooks as important since they will not throw them away during the shakedown process. Not only do the clients benefit from the ARISE Life-Skills classes, but staff members also benefit. The decrease in disciplinary reports and incidents means less paperwork and less stress for staff. When both staff and inmates buy into the program, they all see a positive shift in attitudes. I truly enjoy teaching the ARISE Life-Skills classes to young adults and seeing the positive impact this vital program has on our future.”Maria Sumner Satilla Community Services -Waycross, Georgia“The training exceeded my expectations. The instructor modeled all the techniques taught and she provided positive feedback and encouragement throughout the training. I loved using guidelines rather than rules and learning how to re-frame negatives into positives. The lesson plan provided to prepare for groups will be very useful.”Evanjalyst Harris Juvenile Probation Officer Supervisor – Lauderdale Lakes, Florida“I feel the training went very well. The staff was very excited about the training and even more excited about getting started with the groups. Overall, I would say it was a major success.”Mattie Broxton Salvation Army – Pensacola, Florida“I found the lessons on self esteem and anger management very helpful. These two issues are what I see in most people I see in my office. Working in groups was really most helpful . I feel prepared to teach ARISE Life Skills Lessons because of attending this training.”Katie Weeks Families Count – Fort Walton Beach, Florida“I learned how to conduct brainstorming and mind mapping with learners to help them participate and feel important. This training met all of my expectations. Practicing the lesson planning will really help me.”Anna Mendez Santa Rosa School District – Santa Rosa, Florida“The part that was most valuable to me was re-naming something negative to give it a positive connotation such as calling rules standards or guidelines. . I found the hands on teaching that was non-judgmental very helpful”Natasha Mitchell Families Count – Pensacola, Florida“It was very helpful to split off into different groups and learn ways to teach the students, so that the students get to know each other. The information on how to increase group participation was invaluable. The ARISE formula is most helpful. I learned more information than I though. Su is a great instructor.”Robin R. May Youth Count/ Families Count – Ft Walton Beach, Florida“I really needed to be reminded to plan a large number of discussion questions . I often think I can wing it, but groups always go more smoothly if I plan. This training gave me wonderful tools for planning and a way to structure what I teach”.Robert Cameron Palm Beach Juvenile Justice Center – FL“I learned a lot on how to approach kids with a positive attitude and apply my new skills with everyday life. I now know how to create an activity to reinforce learning. (ARISE Life Skills Training)”Rachel Holmes Teacher Leadership Training Institute – Hempstead, NY“The training was fantastic. I have learned so many new techniques and strategies that I can’t wait to go back to the classroom to use the ice breakers, tips on body language and better listening skills. I feel after this training , I am a stronger teacher.”Yolanda Garcia AMI Kids – North Miami Dade County, Florida“The training was very well taught. It was positive and fun. The positivity cards were very useful. The topics offered in the workbooks are relevant to the adolescent population that we work with. At times the most difficult part of running a group is choosing a topic that captivates your audience. ARISE workbooks provide us with that material”Yashica Cobb AMI Kids – North Miami Dade County, Florida“The following is what I found most helpful: ways to keep your group participating and interesting, ways to deal with not so good behavior, ways to open and close a group. The training was clear and to the point and easy to understand.”Dorothy Adams McClendon Center – Washington DC“You can use this training for most any situation you are dealing with. You can change the activities to fit your needs. You learn how so many people view things and how they deal with them . This training exceeded my expectations.”Teresa Smallwood The Elizabeth Ministry Inc. – Washington DC“The training helped me to theorize how to frame and for present a topic and/or activity to a group of people. I was very impressed with the training manual. The training will be very beneficial in my work."
T. Butler – Phoenix Youth and Family Services- Arizona“The training provided a lot of information regarding situations that our youth deal with daily. This training is user friendly and easy to follow. The ARISE formula makes teaching a lesson very simple but powerful. It makes the youth actively participate which increases the likelihood of them retaining the information, as well as applying it to everyday life. The training makes you feel like a Master Teacher. The trainer is completely knowledgeable and great at what she does.”Andrea – Phoenix Youth and Family Services -Arizona“I found the entire training insightful. I love the fact that Donna guided us through the curriculum using examples and engaged us through actually doing the format. Coming away from this training with a format with lots of useful ways to engage youth is valuable for me. My ability to plan a life skills training session has greatly improved. I feel I am better able to manage difficult or uncooperative behaviors in my groups.”Tiffany Dodson – CVJDAC (San Bernardino County Probation, Probation Corrections Supervisor 1), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“I like how we were able to get lots of practice facilitating the material ourselves so that we now feel comfortable doing it once we leave the training. I also really appreciate all of the instructor feedback. It was extremely helpful.”Shahrzad Nazari – CVJDAC (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“The training offers another approach to help our youth.”Crystal Little – Gateway (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“All of the information was fully explained in detail. The training was great. I enjoyed all of the learning and the confidence I gained.”Martinez Enedina – CVJDAC (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“It was an overall great training and experience.”Itzel Zepeda – San Bernardino Probation CVJDAC (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“Overall I think it’s a great program that should be easy to follow and implement with our youth.”Jonathan Guzman – CVJDAC (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“I enjoyed the creativity, and how easy it is to learn.”Shawana Rentz – Gateway Regional (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“This training was amazing. All of the content was easy to follow. The trainers did an exceptional job.”James Rollins – CVJDAC (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“I enjoyed everything about the training.”Gina Martinez – Gateway (Probation Corrections Supervisor 1), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“ARISE appears to be a fantastic tool that I believe will be an incredible resource for our staff.”Jina Espinoza – Central Valley Juvenile Detention Center (Probation Corrections Supervisor 1), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“I liked that the instructor reviewed the material many times until everyone in the group grasped the concept.”Elaine Romero – Research-Downtown Probation (PCO), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“Donna is an excellent trainer. She is very knowledgeable, motiving and encouraging. Thank you.”Latrice Reed – Gateway (Probation Corrections Supervisor 1), San Bernardino, California – December 2019“The technique of the training was excellent. All the training was excellent. The training was extremely good and well prepared. Good material.”Kimbralee Guerra, Program Supervisor, Lower Lake, California – October 2017“What I found most helpful was how to create lessons. This training was one of the best training I have been to.”Carissa Delgado, TCCSC, Los Angeles California.- October 2017“Being able to ask questions and understand how to effectively use the formula which was something I hadn’t understood from the online training. I think there should be more information provided about how the model has been tested and reinforced as an evidence based practice.”John Kendrick, TCCSC Los Angeles, California- October 2017“The entire process of demonstrations/modeling, the facilitator pace and engagement strategies were all very helpful. Great training and overall curriculum”Merline Joseph, Gulfstream Goodwill West Palm Beach, FL- October 2017“I really enjoyed the training. When we spoke about listening and not giving advice, that was helpful. Personally it was difficult to fully enjoy the training because of work requirements. ”Tery Polito, Gulfstream Goodwill West Palm Beach, FL- October 2017“The material is excellent. I thought it was great for our client population.”Magdalena Pedro, TCCSC Los Angeles, California“I found the ARISE formula and the lesson planning for the intro, discussion, Activities and wrap up to be important. The training was very informative and easy to grasp to help me train the facilitators and help to present.”Violette Grimsley, Director of Riviera Beach Florida Youth Empowerment Teen Program“This training really helped me reduce my anxiety level in front of large and small groups. We absolutely spent a lot of time with other participants and we learned from them. The priority list lesson is a wonderful example of the many lessons ARISE has to offer. ”Amanda Boser, Training Coordinator Bay Area Youth Services, Florida“The ARISE formula definitely will help me prepare a lesson. The structure of the training was wonderful. The training materials are exceptionally helpful. ”Linda Porter, Career Navigator Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, Florida“The training is interactive and allows all to share and become engaged. A two week training would be even more helpful so we could practice more ”Ashley Hyter, Family Life Program at Fort Sam Houston, Texas“ I was really helped by learning the ARISE Formula. The trainers gave wonderful constructive feedback. Su and Eric were awesome trainers. The training material was helpful and the training was clear and easy to follow. Adequate time was provided for rehearsal of each section of the training. Everything learned was useful. Day one talking about training logistics, active listening and facilitator tips was most helpful.”Mona Hill, Tarrant County Juvenile Correction Services, Fort Worth Texas.“ This was a good training, It challenged me to enhance my skills and gave me a very new and invigorating perspective. I strongly agree that the 5-day workshop covered all the skills necessary to conduct the ARISE life skills training. I found most helpful the review of adult learning and all the individual presentations we did.”Lilly Gallardo Director of Social Services, The Salvation Army“Last week I attended the Master Life Skills Training in Tampa. It was a great training! I enjoyed all aspects of it. It was very detailed, hands on and very relevant to what we do. The trainers, Joliett and Su, are excellent and really know what they are doing. The program is an excellent tool to implement the different Life Skills that are essential to the success of our children and adults living in our transitional housing programs. I am grateful to Major Hogg for allowing me to attend the training and to the Arise Foundation for making it available to us. I will be in contact with you later to make arrangements to get some materials to teach our kids great Life Skills. Thank you very much”Eric Sheffield Administrative Supervisor, District One Juvenile Detention Center – Coeur d’Alene, ID.This is what Eric said about the first 2-Day ARISE Life Skills Training he did with his staff: “I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I recently completed the two day ARISE facilitator training course with 9 of our staff (7 detention counselors, our nurse and our mental health clinician) Thanks to your quality “Train the Trainer” course and the access you gave me to the online training (for a refresher) our two day course was a huge success. I felt I had all of the tools I needed to complete two days of quality training. The participants felt the course was very good and are anxious to get our Life Skills program up and running.”Johnny Marrero ARISE Master Trainer, Pinellas Regional Juvenile Detention Center“Some of the youth at the Pinellas Regional Juvenile Detention Center don’t want to attend church services Sunday mornings. They want to go to ARISE groups instead.”Nicole Ventour Harbor Creek – Erie PA“The facilitator’s style of teaching was highly motivational. She incorporated active listening when discussing topics. I feel prepared to conduct an ARISE training.”Walter A. Easley North Carolina“The training model and methods accomplish all the things needed to target at-risk youth. The instructor gives it legs and feet. I want to attend the 2 day Drop it at the Door and the Master Drop it at the Door.”Mazk P. DeVillier Grafton Schools – Berryville, Virginia“I have been in the mental health field for 35 years and this was the best group process and life skills training I have attended. The planning process of the lessons plans were very helpful.”
Detective J. Nubin Riviera Beach Police Department“The information was very helpful in dealing with ideal ways to release stress , tension and anger. This is very helpful when working with so many officers who are already stressed out form the job of working with citizen cases that involve homicide, battery and everyday life in the police department. This information can be applied to all – work and home life.”Nicole Robinson Riviera Beach Police Department“This training exceeded my expectations. I learned that you have to identify the reason for your anger and if you hold on to it, it can make you unhealthy. I think I understand anger better now. It is so very important to open up and not bottle so many things inside. This training was excellent.”Roderick White Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office“This training experience was great. It allowed me to explore different ways to deal with my emotions in a healthier manner. I love the positivity cards, the positivity stones and the passion of the trainer. I can use all the tools at work and at home.”Mayra Bagnoi Barry University"I thought the information was meaningful and easy to use. It reminded me of some important topics I already knew but were not using, and it taught me new tools to handle stress in my life. I loved learning how to re frame my thoughts to be more positives and the blessing journal is a blessing for me."Queteline Fabe Salvation Army“The tools are very useful in professional and personal life settings and can easily be implemented. The use of the power of positive statements had a strong impact on me. I would like a graduate level of this training. Learn that anger is a secondary emotion triggered by primary feelings well help me better deal with the stress in my life. I always recognized when I am angry but have rarely discovered the root, so this was very helpful”Carla-Craig Wright Pasco Regional Juvenile Detention Center“The training was simply presented and easy to apply. The training should be five days. I see myself using the ARISE positivity cards and the positivity stone. I have learned to step away and not be sucked into negativity and I will use the “I” statements” instead of accusatory statements.”William Nahordny Pinellas Juvenile Detention Center“I feel I have a tool box of things I can use at home and work to be happier. I can see myself using the positivity cards to diffuse anger.”Kacha Allen Manatee Regional Juvenile Detention Center“I liked how it broke down the lessons and how to teach them by each step in the lesson.”Edwin Wesley Department of Juvenile Justice“The training was that all the strategies were discussed at length in order to have understanding. I enjoyed the training and the activities and the examples provided by the trainer.”Elizabeth Miller Department of Juvenile Justice“I feel the information obtained at the training will allow me to make better choices when dealing with my clients and family. I will remember I have the power to make positive choices and to let go of anger.”
Cristina Alkire, Lassen Intervention, Susanville CA September 2021“The training exceeded my expectations. The online training has the tips, suggestions, and examples provided to facilitate groups. I liked how suggestions were provided to assist youth in engaging in activities. I feel that the activities provided in the instruction manual has engaging activities/material to assist in facilitation. I enjoyed the training and it made me feel like I was participating in person with having other individuals demonstrate their participation.”Jean Mansfield, Life Skills Teacher, Goodwill Industries, Huntington, WV May 2018“The training exceeded my expectations. I feel prepared to teach the ARISE Life Skills curriculum.”Felicia Morgan, Instructor, Clarkston, GA May 2018“The most helpful about the online training was learning how to do a lesson plan to be prepare for group session. The training was very informative for me having already started a trail basic group. Learning to do a complete lesson plan will help me better in the future.”Dion Thomas, Life Skills Coach, KLCAS,, Klamath Falls, OR April 2018“The instructor was wonderful and did everything she taught perfectly. The training was great. I enjoyed being able to pause and replay what I needed to. The instructor was exceptionally good. I also enjoyed the extra videos added to watch on the side.”Katherine Brown, Clinical Social Worker for St. Louis County Government, St. Louis, MO April 2018“I really liked the formula is it helped for the curriculum to make more sense. We have actually incorporated the formula into our own group documents now. I also liked getting feedback on the assignments. I would’ve liked more modules on how to address difficult behavior in the group setting as this is often our biggest challenge. But the handouts were helpful in pointing in a good direction..”Bryan A Webb, Teacher, Silsbee ISD , Lumberton, TX April 2018“I feel prepared to teach the ARISE Life-Management Skills program because of taking the online training.”Tashondria Coleman, Deputy Sheriff, Correctional Dept , West Palm Beach, FL April 2018“1.Easy to manage.2.Fun and positive.3.Critical thinking skill increased, had me thinking outside the box.4. Increased my confident level to give a presentation, now that I have the necessary tools.Overall I enjoyed this online course. The video clips of the classroom groups were great.Thank you!”Javier Sotelo-Bautista, Tobinworld Mental Health Agency, Glendale, CA, March 2018“The convenience of doing it at my own pace on my own time was very helpful. The lessons and videos were helpful in facilitating my understanding of the material. Some of the lessons and activities felt a little redundant because of my current experiences at my job. Overall, its a good training that is going to help me understand ways of facilitating groups and engaging students in a more effective manner.”Tiffany Swartz, Education Program Manager for Ignite Education Solutions, Johnstown, PA, March 2018“The ARISE formula helps to give the facilitator a clear path to take for each lesson. It was all good information! I thought the training was well organized and the facilitator was very knowledgeable. She was modeling the the formula as she taught the training which was very helpful to see in action. Being able to watch others present different lessons showed how much was learned throughout the training.”Juan Rosales, Case Worker, Community Solutions Inc., Santa Maria, CA, March 2018“I found that the step by step courses on how to develop a lesson plan were very helpful. I found that with this type of learning that I was able to learn better. I enjoyed the training and learned a lot in going through the training. There are certain aspects that I really enjoyed. I definitely will be using the information provided in my everyday work.”Justine Dawes, Prince Georges County Health Department, Riverdale, MD, March 2018“Everything in the training was helpful, particularly the videos and diagrams.”Noami Gleason, Visitation Coach Making a Difference Association, San Bernardino, CA, March 2018“The online training exceeded my expectations. In taking this training it has given me benefits in my own personal life as well as being able to facilitate classes .I feel that the formula will be very helpful in leading a class. It makes it simple to run and to make the plan for the lesson. I found the entire training very helpful. I have already benefited from the tutorials in teaching a parenting class at my job.”Paulette Lemons, CEO Connections-Connections, Centerville, GA, March 2018“The online training experience was fruitful. I felt as though I was a part of the class. I enjoyed the instructor. She was upbeat, clear and precise. she did a great job explaining the various topics, guiding the class in the activities and clearly explaining the ARISE Formula. It had a clear methodology which is easy to follow now that I have been training. Nothing was least helpful. All the videos, quotations, stories and material was all helpful and will definitely be great tools for use in teaching classes/workshops for our business. The training is good. I love training and learning. I learned a lot in this course and will put it to use as our at-risk youth and families need a lot of help with “life skills.” Thanks for developing it and continuous improvement.”Heather Bond, Case Management Supervisor, St. Louis, MO, March 2018“What I found most helpful in this training was how ARISE recommends asking questions, the use of storytelling and quotes in lessons, Mind Mapping, The lesson plan sheet is a good visual cue when planning to group to make sure you are changing things up and not doing the same thing all the time.”Carlos Ontiveros, Paul Brown Alternative Center, Beaumont, TX, February 2018“The most helpful part of the online training was the structured sequence for facilitating a course in any topic..”April Easterling, Dundedin, Michigan- February 2018“The most helpful part of the online training was having interactive activities/assignments throughout the lesson. Actually seeing people go through the training and possibly asking questions that you have is also helpful. The trainer was really enthused, energetic, and knowledgeable about the curriculum. She wanted to make sure that the trainees had a clear understanding of what was being taught and the contents being transmitted..”Pat Yaddow, Human Service , Norwich, NY – January 2018“The training manual itself was most helpful. The lesson sheets really helped me to better organize my ideas for a lesson.”Rachel Churchill, Safe Place Coordinator , Madison, Indiana – January 2018“I loved everything about this training. Loved the empathy video at the end!”Ling Deng, Adagio Health , Pittsburgh, PA – January 2018“Seeing and hearing other peoples answers, thoughts, and how they would help guide questions was helpful.”Tony Urrutia, Probation Officer , Carson City Nevada – January 2018“the instructor was great presented her lessons clear but we need all the materials to be able to comprehend all the instructions and assignments”Stacie Barnett, Oesterlen Services for Youth , Springfield OH – January 2018“I found how they broke down planning the assignment to be the most helpful.”Robert Noriega, Visiting Coach Making a Difference , Colton, CA – January 2018“The clear and concise instructions, despite being an online course. The instructions were given so well in order to complete assignments thoroughly. Very Good Job. I know that your line of focus to reach our youth and inspire them to do their best is well worth it.”Alberto Garcia Manso, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami , Miami, FL – December 2017“The feedback and explanations for each aspect, so thorough. Excellent Instructor!.”Sean White, Southcentral Foundation , Palmer, Alaska – December 2017“Assignments in conjunction with video demonstrations and explanations.”Telecia Dawson, Life Coach , Coral Springs, FL – December 2017“The training was awesome! It was a step by step training that I believe anyone should be able to understand. I worked at my own pace and when I completed an assignment the arise staff responded in a timely manner with great encouragement. I will recommend this training program to others.”Sheryl Threadgill, BAMA Kids , Wilcox County, Alabama – November 2017“The format of the training with a combination of videos, feedback from attendees and being able to follow along with the instructor’s manual. The techniques have been very helpful for me. I teach life skills to teens four days per week.”Stephen Baber, Texas Juvenile Justice Department , Abilene, TX – November 2017“I liked the video presentations showing the formula in action.I appreciated the prompt feedback from ARISE after presenting each lesson online.”Jonathan Torres, Social Worker , Lawrence, MA – November 2017“I think it was a great training i cant wait to learn ore from this program..”Dyonna Cannon, Family Child Care , Pittsburgh, PA – November 2017“I found the practice assignments really useful. I find this online training really helpful. I would only add that there be a section for the people who are not doing the training with other people that there’s an option for them to still do the activities.”Brenda L. Upsher, Family Child Care , Pittsburgh, PA – November 2017“Exciting, and a confidence reinforcer. Thank you”Darian Cartwright, Independent Living Specialist , Evansville, IN – November 2017“The activities in the training were the most helpful because they gave me new and different ideas for my future groups..”Tonya Mustipher, Licensed Social Worker , Linden, NJ -October 2017“I liked the classroom portion of the training along with the readings.”Charlene Bortz, Counselor , Anchorage, Alaska -October 2017“I felt like I was in the class room with them in it was great to be part of the audience and participate.”Lynda Smith, Certified Lifeskill Instructor and Counselor, Vancouver, BC Canada -October 2017“What I found most helpful were the videos modelling an excellent leader. I enjoyed taking the program.”Kimbralee Guerra, Redwood Community Services, Lower Lake CA - October 2017“What I found most helpful were the videos which demonstrated the information being learned. Excellent training and resources.”Becky Hoaglund, Executive Director of CDVIP Batterer Intervention Programs, North Platte NE - September 2017“I appreciated the ability to “participate” via assignments. It drew me in more than just watching the videos. I think this is a great way to allow more people to become ARISE certified. I am very thankful it was offered online. I’m going to practice some of the lessons with my children before I get to the classroom!”Carissa Delgado, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Los Angeles CA -September 2017“I liked learning the model through videos rather than just the workbook.”Magdalena Pedro, Tessie Cleveland Community Serv. Corp, Los Angeles CA -September 2017“I found the most helpful part was the Lesson Planning. The training was very informative and I love how it tested your knowledge by asking you specific questions after each lesson.”Tom Paone, Education Coordinator at Community Maternity Services, Albany, NY -September 2017“The instructor was engaging and provided relevant feedback to group members. Great curriculum! “Miranda McCullough, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri -August 2017“I think the way that they put together the meetings was good to know. I work more with individuals, so I appreciated the tasks that are available and the quotes/stories that are relatable. It kept my attention throughout and has good information for a variety of youth and adult groups.”Bernice Richard, Voices of Truth Volunteer, Gardner, MA -August 2017“The training was very easy to follow and the feedback made it personal. I really enjoyed this. I also loved the little videos after the training. I feel confident that I have most of the knowledge to hold a good group.”Vallery Rodriguez, Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corp , South Gate CA -August 2017“The training helped me how to conduct a presentation being explained through video.”Chantell Hailey, People and Paws for Hope , Greensboro NC -August 2017“The training helped me be able to conduct a guided discussion without going off topic. I feel like I learned a lot about teaching students what not to do.”Rebecca Beasley, Program Assistant at People and Paws for Hope , Greensboro NC -August 2017“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful were the videos that accompanied the lessons; this made the concepts a lot easier to visualize via an online classroom format. “Monique McLeary, Life Skills Instructor at People and Paws for Hope , Greensboro NC -August 2017“What I found most helpful were the tools and materials provided, such as the videos and workbook. “Ranferi Munoz, At-Risk Youth counselor, Los Angeles, CA -August 2017“I was impressed with the detail and the step by step explanation of each topic. For example, how to manage a class room, how to respond to unwanted behavior, to how to create a lesson plan. Very informative and useful information, especially for those with limited or no prior experience. Very informative and provide greatThe tools and materials provided, such as the videos and workbook. knowledge on how to conduct a class room and how to keep a discussion going. Great Job! “Justin Renfroe, Rutherford Country Juvenile Detention Center, Murfreesboro, TN -August 2017“What I found most helpful were the ice breaking methods to begin a lesson. The training went well and I gained some valuable insight to the subject at hand. “Lisa Stewart, Mentor for Young Ladies, Los Angeles, CA – July 2017“What I found most helpful were the actual videos to better understand what was expected. It was a great training. I enjoyed everything about it. Looking forward to starting the trainings “Tameka Givens, People and Paws 4 Hope, Mcleansville, NC – July 2017“What I found most helpful was learning how to do a lesson plan using the ARISE Formula. I enjoyed the training. It was very helpful and I learned a lot from it”Ellen Davenport, Special Education Teacher , North Brookfield, MA – July 2017“The trainer was so confident and friendly, that it was very comfortable learning-even online. She was clear and very informative. I really enjoyed and and look forward to the start of the school year to implement this. I am in a regular public high school and I think it will go over well. After having this training I want more than ever to complete the 5 day Master training. Even at 60 a dream has always been to be a trainer of some kind, to inspire others to help! “Lisa Gladue, Social Worker, Wabasca, Alberta Canada – July 2017“What I found most helpful was that it was at my own pace. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot”Josie Burnias, School Social Worker, Visalia, CA – July 2017“The formula is simple yet effective. Easy to follow. The discussion questions for any type of lesson. I liked the videos which were very helpful. I also enjoyed the extra videos to compliment and encourage us teachers/facilitators.”Renato Pin, Youth Counselor La Familia Counseling Center INC, Dixon, CA – July 2017“I like how specific and clear the training was. I also enjoyed the activities that followed each lesson. The training was very informative and i feel that the training helped me be more secure and prepared to facilitate a group.”Kameko Mitchell, Family Finding Coordinator, La Verne, CA – July 2017“What I found most helpful is the Arise Formula that helped to structure the group in a systematic way. I really enjoyed the training and thank Arise for putting this online training together.”John Kendrick, Certified Addictions Treatment Counselor, Los Angeles, CA – June 2017“What I found most helpful was the format used to facilitate the curriculum. Great facilitator very engaging creating a trusting environment where people are not afraid to put themselves out there.”Mary Young, Career Navigator, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corp. Glen Burnie, MD – June 2017“The videos and the formula, of course! Extremely well organized. Everything went so smoothly. When I needed help (which was once), help was readily and quickly made available. The commitment, integrity and professionalism of the instructor/facilitator was VERY helpful. I felt as if I was a part of the class in the classroom. Also, I never expected feedback, although it makes sense. The feedback helped me to know that I was on track. Thank you! In my work, my life, I seek out and/or seek to provide clarity, purpose and simplicity (avoid complication!). ARISE has done a superb job of delivering these qualities and MORE to me! “Stanchele Winchester, Instructor , Niceville, FL – June 2017“I found most helpful that the training was not someone talking the entire time. The video had participants who asked real questions that everyone would have had. I enjoyed the training. It stopped at all the right times to allow myself time to test myself and see if I really knew how to facilitate the lesson. It also allows you to take the time you need for you to successfully get your answers right by allowing you the opportunity to review your resources. “Senie Thomas, CAT Team Mentor , Ft. Walton Beach, FL – June 2017“The video and trainer detailed each lesson and was an example of the ARISE formula. The training was well executed, purposeful, and each lesson was an example and reinforcement of the ARISE Model.”Timothy Crist-Gillis, Family Service Specialist, Newport News, VA– May 2017“Being able to see how the other students in the videos presented the assignment was helpful. The course was well designed for the online own pace option. “Sarah Rogers, Truancy officer, Liberal, KS – May 2017“I like that the training teaches you how to use the formula to plan lessons and gives ideas to manage the group. I learned so much from this training! I really felt that it was overall very well conducted, and can be easily applied and implemented for teaching these courses. Thank you for such a well put together program!”ShaQuesha Evans, Education and Treatment Council, Lake Charles, LA – May 2017“I found that learning the formula then learning each step of the formula then putting it all together and doing a mock group was the most helpful thing about the training. I also loved the extra videos that were provided. In general I think the training was very beneficial and ARISE is a great and helpful program.”Shaun Worthy, IAMWORTHY Mentoring & Youth Development, Puyallup, WA – May 2017“I loved the activities, and response from staff about the assignments. Very clear, and duplicatable. I think that it’s definitely got value, but the course is a little old. I still believe I got the value I paid for. It has very helpful knowledge that I have already applied. I think the organization should offer all courses online, and updated. Great job, and I love the passion this company represents “Marlene Green, LIT, Leadership institute of Tomorrow, Miami Beach, FL – April 2017“I loved the questions and the work. It had me think about how to make my program more interesting. I thought that learning how to do a program was extremely valuable. I though the training was extremely good. Hard at times to not be in a group and doing it yourself but still very good. “Melissa Okimura, Group Facilitator for At-risk teen girls/LBGT, La Verne, CA– April 2017“What I found most helpful about the training was the role-playing for group members participation taking turns being the facilitator gained great insight how everyone is individual and interrupts listening skills differently. Really liked the feedback and giving me great insight how to be a more effective facilitator when presenting “Beth Ann Edwards, Teacher , Miami Beach, FL– April 2017“It was great to learn the formula. How to bring the curriculum to life and be impactful. I felt the instructor was fabulous. Great energy and professionalism. She made it look easy. When you saw her vs the participants I can see just how good she is “Brenda Miranda, Counselor , Sacramento, CA– April 2017“I felt the instructor explained everything well and showed that she believed in the material. She was very informative and encouraging. The instructor was very good and made this online training enjoyable.”Dawn Nessen, Human Service Worker , Muskegon, MI– March 2017“I like the way it was presented as if I where in the class room with everyone else. I also liked how it was presented showing the lesson plan formula in order form. From beginning to end.”Eddie Banks, Volunteer,Youth Crime Prevention , Orlando, FL– March 2017“The way the instructor tied the manual together in the lessons was incredibly helpful. I thoroughly enjoyed the training and saw a lot of room to improve on my facilitation skills as a result of the training. The training was incredibly beneficial. “Dawn Price, United Remnant Ministries, Collingswood, NJ– March 2017“It helped with organizing an activity from start to finish. I personally feel that the training was an excellent tool for those who really care and want to help our next generation. As we follow through on what we learned, planning should come easy. Thank you for the class it was very helpful to me. “Keonna Daughtry, Family/Civil Mediator, Franklin, TN– February 2017“Everything was step by step and everything was reinforced. I found everything extremely helpful”Sandra Dinkins, Family/Civil Mediator, Franklin, TN– February 2017“Everything was step by step and everything was reinforced. I found everything extremely helpful”Katie Parry, Positive Energy Corp, Baltimore, MD– February 2017“What I found most helpful was being able to do it at my own pace. I enjoyed it. It was very straightforward. “Kayla Saab, Juvenile Probation, Hennepin County, MN– February 2017“What I found most helpful was learning how to pace a lesson using the ARISE formula “Cyntoria Thomas, Program Manager, Thais Educational Tours, Jacksonville, FL– January 2017“What I found most helpful was learning how to pace a lesson using the ARISE formula “Jennifer McLean, Instructor, People & Paws 4 Hope, Lewisville, NC – January 2017“I found the activities very helpful because it helped reinforce what the instructor was saying. I thought the extra handouts and materials were extremely helpful. Overall, I really enjoyed the training and I am a lot more confident in my skills as an ARISE facilitator. Great training! “Dee Ann Ryan, Yourh Worker, Danville, IL – January 2017“The videos by the instructor. She was excellent and a great role model. I feel very prepared to run a group. I would have liked for the teacher to actually teacn a life skill such as anger management as an example. “Eric Alt, Director of a Advocate/Mentor Program, York, PA– January 2017“The structure you would like the lessons to be presented, by using your formula. This structure gives flexibility to the instructor to guide the class.”JanQueshia Gay, Community Support Specialist, Baltimore, MD – January 2017“What I found most helpful during the training were the guides.”Shelley Doneghue, Founder, The Paper House, Olney, IL – January 2017“I really like the video of the classroom training, it made me feel like I was a part of the class. I have taken other online courses and even though I like them, I do miss the classroom setting. I feel that listening to other class mates responses aides in the learning experience.The instructor was very positive and energetic, she got me to thinking deeper into the lesson. The 4 step lesson plan is very helpful and simple. She explained everything very well. Over all I truly enjoyed the training, what I thought I knew about teaching a group went out the window as I learned the Arise method. I am very glad that I took the course, I realized I was not as prepared as I thought. I am looking forward to getting my group started. My classes will be the 1st in our area to offer life skills, and I feel privileged to be able to help these young people and help them get on the right path in life.”Karmina Melendez-Phaire, Life Skills Teacher, Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services, St. Petersburg, FL– December 2016“What I found most helpful about the training was the videos. The instructor on the videos does a great job a breaking down each step and explaining how and why each step is important. This is a great tool for small groups. I will be using these skills in my next group. “Tracnesha Lundy, Violence Prevention Specialist, Tarpon Spings Middle, Tampa, FL – December 2016“I was able to relate to the training and understand why it will be helpful to the youth I work with. Thank you for the opportunity!!! I learned a lot. “Leslie Heffernan, People and Paws for Hope, Whitsett, NC – December 2016“What I found most helpful was the convenience of being able to fit the training into my schedule. I liked the training. It did the job without spending too much time on any one topic – straight to the point. The presentations of the group were somewhat tedious but for a new teacher I’m sure they are very helpful. . “Rickesha McQueen, People and Paws for Hope, Clearwater, FL – November 2016“What I found most helpful were the examples used in the videos.. The training was very helpful overall, I learned a lot of valuable skills.”Melissa Bebout, Regional Health Educator, Fayette Country, PA – November 2016“The most helpful thing were the videos that we watched after the assignments. It helped gauge how I did on my assignments. The training was very helpful overall, I learned a lot of valuable skills.”Sherry Woody, Program Director, People and Paws for Hope, Greensboro, NC – November 2016“The most helpful thing was the formula to present lessons. I enjoyed this training very much and found it extremely helpful to me. Using the formula taught here will not only make it easier to present, it will cut down on the time needed to prepare.The lesson planning form will also be useful since we use a team of people to lead educational sessions.”Nancy Friedman, Gulf Coast JFCS, Clearwater, FL – October 2016“The training exceeded my expectations. The hints interjected were very helpful too.”Connie DuBose, Life Skills Teacher, BeauCARE, Inc. DeRidder, LA – October 2016“The training was good and easy to follow.”Toneka Terry, St. John Parish, Laplace, LA – October 2016“What I found most helpful was that the leader gave examples for each lesson and she kept everyone engaged in the lessons. Every thing in the training was helpful and can be incorporated in the actual lessons. This was a very good training and will definitely help me in the actual group lessons.”Danielle Chatmon, Prince George’s County Health Department, Washington DC – October 2016“What I found most helpful was how the Lesson Planning Form was broken down into lessons. It really provided an in-depth look into each part of the form with support of the videos. I also like that I was able to comprehensively apply all lessons at the end. I thought all information was helpful. I really enjoyed the training, it reinforced some things along with enhancing my skills in order to facilitate a activity.”Elizabeth Delgado, Middle School Teacher, St. Pete Beach, FL – October 2016“What I found most helpful was the repeated ideas in various formats. Learning by computer is not my strongest skill. I may have gotten more from face to face. However, as the training was set up online I was able to stay on task and understood the topics.”Theresa Smith, Youth Group Coordinator, Friendship Center, Hinton, Alberta, Canada – October 2016“What I found most helpful was that the training is online and easily accessible. Great comments from the trainers.”Nancy Orbe, Psychotherapist, Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, Clearwater, FL – October 2016“The topics covered are important and presented in an uncomplicated way so the student gets the message. Because the facilitator always praised the group I felt eager to learn. The lesson plan format is terrific in its simplicity; only 4 steps! There are such clear and simple steps to follow as ‘first ask a yes or no question in your Guided Group Discussion to make everyone feel comfortable’. I wish my Florida Teacher certificate schooling had been this well presented and so easy to accomplish.”Dr. Shilpa Jain, Medical Doctor, Mumbai, India – September 2016“The Arise formula was the most helpful part. It can applied to discuss and plan any topic. The facilitator was excellent and a perfect role model for the job.I think it was an excellent experience. My sessions are surely going to be more organized and effective after this training. Thank you.”Sara Clegg, Retired Teacher, Silsbee ISD, Silsbee, TX – September 2016“What I found most helpful was the brainstorming, mind mapping, videos of lessons, and the presenter with her feedback. I was shown skills that I can incorporate everyday if necessary to help students solve problems through effective and appropriate means.”Joycelyn Lovett, Social Worker, Berkeley, IL – September 2016“The trainer was fabulous. She did not hesitate in her speech, she did not say “um” at any time and had great posture and body language. I knew half of this lesson, but the other half I didn’t know was exciting for me because it was something new. I luv the class participation and that everyone did participate. This lesson is a perfect example of how the classes with youth should be. I enjoyed the bonus videos. I enjoy that the material is easy reading so when I refer back to my notes its right there and quick to find. I would refer this training to anyone working with youth.”Javier Saavedra, Prince Georges County Health Department, Riverdale, Maryland – September 2016“The most helpful aspect of the training was how to plan ahead before just jumping into an activity. I really liked it. It helped me refresh my memory and also learn a lot of new ways to engage and do better work with the youth.”Clyde Casey, Prince Georges County Health Department, Silver Spring, Maryland – September 2016“The most helpful aspect of the training were the clear instructions and the formula to succeed. The training was great and easy to follow. It has given me a wonderful formula to empower the youth in our program. “Priscila Lemos, Prince Georges County Health Department, Silver Spring, Maryland – September 2016“The most helpful aspect of the training was having the group actually perform what was learned to see it in action. It was nice to see how different everyone thinks, however, is striving for the same message. Although the online was very well done, I would have preferred to participate in person. “Denise Burdsall, Gulf Coast Jewish Foundation, Clearwater, Florida – September 2016“What I found most helpful were he trainers explanations and the worksheets. I enjoyed this training.”Kathleen Lannon, City of Stuart Police Department, Stuart, Florida – September 2016“What I found most helpful about this training were the videos.”Erin Warzecha, Lower Buckeye Jail, Phoenix, Arizona – September 2016“Not having an education background was intimidating at first but once I got going I very much enjoyed the exercises. I enjoyed the course.”Eric Hood, Muskegon, Michigan – September 2016“What I found most helpful was the ways to handle an unruly class or student. I thought the training as a whole was useful.”Kiara Lovett, Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services, Clearwater, Florida – September 2016“What I found most helpful were the ways to keep the youth engaged and how to plan an activity. Great training.”William Houck, Department of Social Services , Elmira, New York – September 2016“It’s nice to visually see portions of the ARISE formula completed. I liked how it was step by step on how to complete a lesson and incorporate all the pieces in the formula it was very helpful to do the training at my own pace and during the times it worked for me and my schedule. I thought the training was well presented. As I mentioned above I liked how the training went step by step on the ARISE formula and the media of seeing others perform some of the steps helped a lot. I feel that I have a much better feeling of presenting and training a group now. Thanks you.”Debora Hamilton, Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services, Clearwater, Florida – August 2016“I really enjoyed all the assignments and videos. I enjoyed all the lessons.I would recommend this training to all my co-workers. Great training. “Sara Piskor, Chautauqua Opportunities Inc, Ashville, New York – August 2016“I liked the practice assignments and timely feedback. It was really helpful. I really like the format of this training. I found it engaging. I prefer it over attending a two day training. I feel that I got more out of it than being in person because I had more responsibility to think of my own activities for assignments. “Isabel Cavazos, Juvenile Probation Office, Lax Vegas, New Mexico – August 2016“I really enjoyed the way she taught the class breaking it down in to sections, but having us practice the skills so that we know how to do this. She was very energetic and also positive with everyone. I thought it was a good training overall and really helped us to learn how to run life skills groups. Thank you so much “Barry Houck, Department of Social Services , Elmire, New York – August 2016“The training did provide methods that ARISE feels is the best way to present their material. ARISE provided me with insight to their programming and what they feels works with our population. I did like the pace of the training. Each lesson was reasonable in duration and each assignment attempted to make the trainee put newly acquired knowledge to work. I was pleased to see that the resource manual offered some “stories” aimed to enhance learning or pull our learners into discussion.”Shay Draffin, Roots and Wings, Durham, North Carolina – August 2016“The most helpful aspect of the training was the ARISE formula.”Benjamin Lasser, Truman University, Kirksville, Missouri – August 2016“The most helpful aspect of the training was the flexibility it provided me regarding my completion of the different lessons and assignments. Being able to tailor it to my schedule was very helpful. I feel comfortable planning and implementing lessons to help at-risk youth. I look forward to using the ARISE formula.”Sara Rachwitz, Youth Support worker at Oak Grove Center, Marrieta, California – August 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was the way to take such a simple activity and make it empowering and effective. Listening to the instructor because I learned more from the trainees and their examples through trial and error. I love how I feel motivated to create a more defined lesson plan that will benefit my youth.”Ashley Silvas, Wings for L.I.F.E., Roswell, New Mexico – August 2016“The videos were detailed and the feedback at the end was helpful..”Russell Wilkins, Becoming a Man Program for Boys, Washington, NC – August 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was watching the interaction with those taking the class. The training will allow me to better relate to the students in our program.”Pamela Matamoros, Union County Division of Youth Services, Elizabeth, NJ – July 2016“I have facilitated groups in the past and I have found it challenging when participants are disruptive or have side conversations. The facilitator showed me ways to guide the conversation and bring participants back to the topic at hand. I enjoyed this training, it was very insightful, I will use the tools I learned when I facilitate a training.Thank you very much.”Sue Landry, Lead Administrator SETRPC, Beaumont, TX – July 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. The ARISE formula is so simple, clear and easily applied and it works! Everything was extremely helpful to me. It would be nice if you could go directly to the lesson you were on from the log in page but that is so minor. I have been most impressed with the quality of the information and the quality of the video, the information presented and the feedback provided throughout the training. You all are A+ in my book! .”Sheliia Roland, ACLMS-ASSISTANCE MINISTRY, Queen Creek, TX – July 2016“I just wanted to encourage you sign-up and take the “Arise Life-Skills Training Course”. It is my believe that God provided this tool for me personally. Each lesson introduces a new way of thinking, addressing and embracing difficult situations and people caught up in the moment of anger, low-self esteem and a lack of motivation to succeed. You would be doing YOURSELF a great service to take this online class. The online class I took wasn’t due until 9/2016. Yet I so enjoyed the lessons and life applications that I found myself at times completing two or more lessons a day, simply because of the WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE that brought me change. As you can see below I have completed the training and I am better for doing so.”Kelli Munoz, Holt County Juvenile Services, SETRPC, O’Neill, Nebraska – July 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I found the ARISE formula most helpful. The ARISE formula makes it so much easier to guide your lesson and your group. I found this training very useful. I have been working with youth in groups for many years and I thought I would find a lot of repeated information in this training. To my surprise I did not find a lot of repeated information. I think I learned a lot of valuable information from this training.”Kaylan Arandale , Regional Emergency Planner, SETRPC, Beaumont, TX – July 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I truly enjoyed the online training. I think it was very well done and walked me step by step through what an ARISE session should be like. I came into this training with no knowledge of what an ARISE session should look like. I now feel confident with how an ARISE session should go..”Anthony Churchill, Life Skills Instructor Lower Buckeye Jail, Phoenix, Arizona – June 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. The most helpful elements were the integration of the resources into the presentation of each lesson. This was helpful because it gives me experience planning for and using the materials. Also, seeing the groups present and evaluating them helps me sort out my own thoughts and ideas about how to present a topic. Also the feedback is invaluable. In reality there was not an element of the training that I felt was not helpful. All components were helpful. However, if I must identify one, it would be that some of the videos could possibly be a little shorter, but I am not thoroughly convinced that this is the case. The ARISE program is excellent and I will most certainly use this structure and format in my classes. In some ways I had been doing many of these things already but the training reinforces and cements the method into regular practice even instinctive reaction. I am grateful for the opportunity to partake in this training and am confident I will be able to use it to make a difference in the lives of the young people I teach.”Shawnya Curry, Life Skills Instructor Department of Public Safety, Albemarle, NC – June 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was the Arise Formula. It provides structure to the lesson plan. It allows total participation from the class. I enjoyed the entire training. At first I could not put it down. I completed lessons 1-20 within one week. Due to classes beginning, I didn’t have the extra time to complete it within 2 weeks.”Andrea Hannibal, Guidance Specialist Maricopa County, Glendale, Arizona – June 2016“What I found most helpful about this training was the curriculum and the formula.”Isis Oliveros, Children and Family Services, Colton, CA – June 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I love the step by step process in which the training was provided. The Arise formula is phenomenal.”Olabisi Oyewo, Workforce Development Program, North Hollywood, CA – May 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I love the step by step process in which the training was provided. The Arise formula is phenomenal.”Elijah Puett, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri – May 2016“This training exceeded my expectations.What I liked best was the versatile outlines for lessons, along with suggestions for activities. The training was easy, helpful, and thorough.”Sabiya Azim, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri – May 2016“This training met my expectations.The videos helped to explain concepts .”Albertha Adcock, Substance Abuse Counselor, Imperial Calcasieu Human Service Authority, Lake Charles, Louisiana – April 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I was able to do the lessons at a time that was convenient to me. Being able to start the video over in spots I wanted to recall what the instructor was saying. I also liked learning a particular area in which I sometimes struggle and that is ways to involve all of my group members to take part in sessions especially my quite ones. I think that more facilities should offer this training to their counselors. The handouts and the entire training was helpful to me as a counselor who conducts group sessions. .”Holly Koons, Aurora, Indiana – April 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I found out how to start discussions and wrap up discussions more appropriately because before I struggled with starting and finishing discussions. I found everything in this training useful because of my lack of knowledge so nothing was any less important. I loved this training and already recommended others to take it.”Nicole Unseith, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri – March 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I found out how to start discussions and wrap up discussions more appropriately because before I struggled with starting and finishing discussions. I found everything in this training useful because of my lack of knowledge so nothing was any less important. I loved this training and already recommended others to take it.”Marissa Leong, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri – March 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I found out how to start discussions and wrap up discussions more appropriately because before I struggled with starting and finishing discussions. I found everything in this training useful because of my lack of knowledge so nothing was any less important. I loved this training and already recommended others to take it.”Christian Banez, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri – March 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I found out how to start discussions and wrap up discussions more appropriately because before I struggled with starting and finishing discussions. I found everything in this training useful because of my lack of knowledge so nothing was any less important. I loved this training and already recommended others to take it.”Rhonda Parker, Our Future Children, Mesquite, TX – February 2016“This training exceeded my expectations. I truly enjoyed this training and learned so much.”April Ben, Education and Treatment Center , Lake Charles, Louisiana – February 2016“What I found most helpful about the online training is that I had the ability to re-watch the videos as needed. When attending a training in person, because of time restraints and being considerate of others, it is sometimes not possible to ask the instructor to repeat terms that you may not understand or did not hear. I have Attention Deficit Disorder and being able to listen to the sessions with earphones and the ability to pause and take a break was very helpful for my successful completion of the training. Generally speaking, the training was well organized and very helpful. The trainer spoke in a cadence that was clear and very easy to follow. It was time efficient and I was very thankful that I was able to listen to the other participants in the training session.”Yolanda Ewing, Program Director, Ready For Life After School Program, Maricopa, Arizona – February 2016“I enjoyed this training. I particularly liked that I had the option to take my time and replay the videos.”Shayda Afrasiaab, Truman University, Linn Creek, Missouri – January 2016“I liked the tips for body-language and activity planning. They may have been my weakest portion but now I feel more prepared. Overall, a good experience and would opt to do it again or recommend it for other teachers. “Diry Fernandez, Buckner Family Hope Center, Peñitas, TX – January 2016“The training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was the ARISE Formula but the whole training was very helpful to me.”Alberta Ann Bowman, Volunteer Group Instructor, Adult Residential Home for the Mentally Challenged , Victorville, California – January 2016“I was truly impressed with the online training, particularly the videos. I felt very connected with the trainer and group in the classroom.”Anke Hofer, Instructor of Adults with Low Literacy Skills, Kitimat, BC, Canada – December 2015“This training was extremely helpful to me and exceeded my expectations.”Griselda Loza, Youth Program Coordinator, La Familia Counseling Center, Sacramento, CA – December 2015“I found the Arise formula for lesson planning the most helpful. It has helped to organize and have a smooth lesson plan.”Quincy Torres, Caseworker, Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, Lawrence MA – November 2015“The video presentation was good and convenient for me personally, along with the assignments! I really appreciated the timely praise reports on the assignments from the staff too! “Catalina Rodriguez, Counselor, Christian Parish, Pharr, TX – November 2015“This training is very helpful. It is clearly structured and the feedback is really good. What I found most helpful were the videos, the book, the exercises. I love the formula!!!. “Shirley Pimentel, Youth Development Supervisor, Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, Lawrence MA – October 2015“What I found most helpful was being able to try doing some of the work in a “practice run” online. “Dr. Tamia McEwen, St. Lucie County Public Schools, Fort Pierce, FL – October 2015“The information was thorough and the activities, strategies and videos were helpful and user friendly. Great training and very useful. “Dianne Williams Johnson, Transition Specialist, St. Lucie County Public Schools, Fort Pierce, FL – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training were all of the hands on activities. Overall it was a great experience.”Dr. Masica Jordan, Founder, Dr. Masica Jordan Ministries, LLC, Bowie, MD – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training were all of the hands on activities. Overall it was a great experience.”Cassey Chang, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, St. Lucie County Public Schools, Fort Pierce, FL – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training was the information on how to build the lesson and how it was delivered in steps and then again all in one. It was very helpful!”Catalina Rodriguez, Counselor, Christian Parish, Pharr, TX – October 2015“I really enjoyed the videos, the book, the exercises. I love the formula!!!. This training is very helpful. It is clearly structured and the feedback is really good.”Diana Shields, Case Manager, Second Judicial Circuit of Missouri , Kirksville, Missouri – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training was the step by step, watch, write and or do approach. I have been in other facilitator training before and often times prepared curriculum doesn’t teach you to think about the content or make it “real” for yourself. Sometimes other curriculum tells you what to “say” but doesn’t often teach how to respond. Other facilitator training, in person training, taught more about environment, and group dynamics which isn’t presented in the online training. The ARISE formula was very beneficial in creating the lesson plans and being able to submit online was valuable. However, I struggled with getting it completed b/c I was trying to work it into my schedule. “Onniel Sanchez, Project Reach Counselor, La Familia Counseling Center, Sacramento, CA – October 2015“I really enjoyed the assignments, which allowed me to practice each lesson. This is a great training. It works around one’s schedule, and it is not difficult what so ever. It does challenge you, but it can definitely be accomplished.”Pennie Ohia, Michigan Autism Academy Staff and Occupational Training Center, Southfield, Michigan – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training were the videos. I really enjoyed the course.”Renee Gaddis, Ouachita Children’s Center, Hot Springs National Park, AR – October 2015“What I found most helpful about the training were the videos. I really enjoyed the course.”Rodrigo Lopez, Counselor, Sacramento, CA – October 2015“Everything about the training was helpful and it taught me how to prepare and engage the classroom with the tools.”Shelly Davis, Children’s Division Worker and Deputy Juvenile Officer, Adair County, Missouri – October 2015“It gave me different ideas to relate to youth and encourage them to explore different ways of thinking.”William Garland Henley, Rutherford County Juvenile Detention Center, Murfreesboro, TN – September 2015“What I found most helpful about this training was the process on how to put together a lesson plan and how to be a facilitator. The trainer was well informed and presented the material in a very easy to understand way. She also did a great job of demonstrating the techniques that she was presenting.”Elizabeth Terrigino, Kirksville, MO – September 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful about the training were the videos of the class discussions & the ideas the class members.shared. I think it’s an excellent program & would suggest it to anyone not only teaching, but mentoring. Many helpful tips & good information.”Thalia Estevez, Family Services of Merrimack Valley, Lawrence, MA – September 2015“What I found most helpful about this training were the presentations. It was great overall, I enjoyed seeing the training happening. The presentations and the participants made it worth while.”Peggy Hardiman, Columbus, OH – September 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful about the training were the videos of the class discussions & the ideas the class members.shared. I think it’s an excellent program & would suggest it to anyone not only teaching, but mentoring. Many helpful tips & good information.”Cheryl Trotman, Pastor of the New Testament Church, Christ Church, Barbados – September 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful were the video sessions and being able to hear the interactions. The directions were clear and easy to understand. It made me feel like I was there in the sessions. I actually found myself pointing to the boards and shouting out my answers too! I was so excited about doing the training. I could not wait to get home to start.Facilitator was awesome, professional and made you want to be there. The contact with Laura and staff and the quick response to my queries made me feel valued. I will definitely be purchasing my books and taking the other training – Drop it at the Door.”Craig Clark, Supervisor, Kirksville, MO – September 2015“I liked the way the training was developed to make it straight forward and easy to follow The online aspect was nice. I felt the material book I printed off was at times difficult to follow..Good training material that I was able to complete at my own pace while doing my job duties.”Rhiannon Sumner, Case Manager, Family Services of the Merrimack Valley, Lawrence MA – August 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. The instructor was very helpful and explained in great detail every activity. She gave great advice on how to plan your own activity. I would have loved to be able to do this training in a classroom setting but as a whole it was great. It was very beneficial and will be a great addition to the youth I am currently working with.”Susana Alvarez, Youth Voice Coordinator, La Familia Counceling, Merced, CA – August 2015“The most helpful part of this online training was having the videos. Since I am a visual leaner it definitely enhanced the training.”Markitia Robinson, Helping Thru the Hurt,Inc. Youth Mentor Program, Tampa, FL – July 2015“The videos and the lesson planning step by step training was awesome. The Arise formula is going to be very helpful as well. Very informative and helpful .”LaTasha Gooch, Transitional Living Coordinator, Divinity Prophet, Gardena, CA – June 2015“I loved the training!! It was so awesome. The videos were very helpful. I noticed in the last assignment there was no room for an ice breaker or the story telling/quote part of the lesson. However, when doing the lesson, before I will move forward to the opening I will do an ice breaker. I would also use storytelling and or a quotation after introducing an assignment and then on to the activity. Again, the training was awesome. I will be recommending it to others! Thank you so much. .”Pam Pilkinton, Wakulla One Stop Community Center, Crawfordville, FL – June 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was being able to watch the class as they actually did the lessons so you could learn from them.”Herb Donaldson, Wakulla One Stop Community Center, Crawfordville, FL – June 2015“What I found most helpful about the training was the step by step breakdown and easy participation. Thanks so much for a chance to grow. “Magda Banaszkiewicz, Rockville, MD and Poland – June 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was the feedback I received from the instructor and creating the activities. I liked this course very much. The teacher’s attitude was very friendly. It helped me learn many new things. The course was very interesting and the feedback was always positive. I am very satisfied with this course. “Susannah Case, Rohan Ranch, Reno, NV – May 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful was the feedback I received. I believe this training will assist me in helping not only my clients, but my teenage son as well. The curriculum is wonderful and the formula gives a set of guidelines that makes every lesson successful. “Lauren Renschler, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO – April 2015“I found watching the other groups discuss each lesson, such as the questions or activities they came up with, was extremely helpful. There was no part of the training that I did not find helpful or even minimally helpful. All aspects of the training, I feel, can be applied to teaching in order to improve lessons and engage the learners. This was a great training, I will definitely encourage others to take it. “Frank Vorhees, 2nd Judicial Circuit of Missouri, Kirksville, MO – April 2015“This training exceeded my expectations. I think the videos were very informative and helpful. I enjoyed learning the different approaches to introducing a topic and will use them often in my work with my groups. “Kayla Dooley, 2nd Judicial Circuit of Missouri, Kirksville, MO – March 2015“I found the entire training helpful. I must say that learning how to transition from one part to the next was extremely helpful and learning what order to ask questions was very helpful too. I absolutely loved the training. It was very informative and fun. I was able to take more than the curriculum with me.”Dr. Patricia Candler, Founder and CEO. Tallulah Charter School, Tallulah, Louisiana – February 2015“SUPERB!!! Right on target with today’s youth. I found the trainer to be MOST effective. She was very knowledgeable about the information presented. She keeps your attention. She was very energetic. For the sessions that were long, one could stop and start a more when appropriate. Also, the fact that it could be stopped and rolled back.”Michelle Accardi, Counselor I, PACE Center for Girls, Palm Beach, FL – February 2015“I enjoyed watching the videos of actual classrooms, and seeing what the groups presented and feedback. Felt like I was a part of the training. The online set up let me complete the course when I had free time at work, and permitted me to get training done without traveling which was wonderful! Thank you so much for a wonderful training, I truly learned a lot and will use these skills while I conduct groups in my professional career!”Misty Goings, Detention Superintendent, Bruce Normile Juvenile Center, Kirksville, MO – January 2015“I wanted to say again that this was by far one of the best training experiences I have had in a long time. I typically have trouble focusing during online training but she kept it going and kept me engaged. Kudos to her for a great job!!!!! Thanks again for the great training!”Chase Walling, A.C.T. Program Skills Specialist, Education & Treatment Council, Lake Charles, LA – December 2014“I really enjoyed the facilitator of the training. Before we got to the section on positive reinforcement, it was very noticable that she really believed in the concept and it was also obvious that she led by example and that the training group appreciated her efforts. “Nicole Laub. State of Utah Dixie Area Detention, St. George, Utah – November 2014“The online training exceeded my expectations. I really enjoyed this. I’ve been working with at risk youth for 8 1/2 years, and doing groups has become a chore. I feel like a have a fantastic new resource to pull from and use on a regular basis. This was really a great training, and the instructor was fantastic. “Rashida George. GARD CENTER, Antigua-Barbuda – October 2014“The videos gave clear examples of what was being taught.Very good training. i would definitely recommend to organizations I work with.”Amanda Ike – Northwestern Mental Health Center, Grand Forks, ND – October 2014“The training was very practical and the reality of the examples as well as the opportunity to work through and receive feedback throughout the process was great! Overall, it was very well put together. I appreciated the timely and personable feedback I received throughout. Thanks!””Lydiah Mwaura – Nairobi, Kenya – October 2014“Wonderful training!!! Can’t wait to be able to facilitate an Arise class. It has even augmented the training I already have and can’t wait to use some of the techniques in my profession. Thank you!!. “Chelsea Kaplan –Catholic Community Services – Philadelphia, PA – October 2014“This is a fabulous online video training! I learned a great deal that I will take with me as I begin my journey in administering group sessions. I honestly found everything in this video extremely helpful. It is a great online training that should continue to be used. “Wanda Pride –Pride of Life – Albany, Georgia – August 2014“The facilitator in the online training presented the lessons with outstanding quality ; almost perfect. She was engaging, positive and provided feedback and praise consistently. I found her very well organized and extremely knowledgeable about everything she taught. I was not bored. Thank you for the extra videos in this training. I found them “ spot on” for every lesson they were designed for. Refreshing!! Enlightening!. The ARISE formula is laid out in guiding us throughout our future successful teachings. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You Mr. and Mrs. Benson for taking all the time and effort into creating this program for at-risk youth. Many lives have been changed because of you. I feel prepared to teach the ARISE Life Skills Lessons as a result of taking this online training.”Mercy Adero, Director – Parenting, Kenya – August 2014“I must say that with no trace of doubt I know this program is going to be a great boost for PARENTING KENYA Life Skill Coaching and Mentorship program which I founded. I already experience a big change in how I interact with my two beautiful girls Tasha and Thalia by virtue of undertaking the training. I can imagine how it will be after prolonged practice and interaction with the system. I know the lives of the pre-teens and teens who will be beneficiaries of our programs will never be the same again.I can’t forget to commend the facilitator. I have never met such a positive person in my life, very articulate and orderly in how she leads the group. I couldn’t stop watching and admiring how well she did the presentations without ever giving a negative remark or feedback whatsoever. She was always concerned when she felt the group had been given a lot of information to make sure it was understood. She brought out the best in everyone. That was awesome, congratulations and keep it up.I recommend all life skill coaches and trainers in any field to take up these trainings because their forums, sessions and programs will never be the same.”Sreedevi Vairelil, Muscat, Oman – August 2014“Thank you very much for all your help and support to complete the course! I really appreciate your valuable guidance, patience and the time you spent with me to make this course go well. The most helpful about the training is indeed the ARISE Formula. Th new techniques and methods learned through this training are definitely going to help me in dealing with youth. It was an excellent experience. All the lessons were organized and structured in such a way that I never found anything unclear or difficult. The trainer was very professional and enthusiastic. She really did a great job. I am very glad to confirm that I have received a lot of positive feedback from your excellent training faculty. I am confident that the ARISE Life Skills program will help me in my teaching profession. Finally I would like to say that the training was simply wonderful!”Mary Ann Rogers, Enid, Oklahoma – July 2014“I thought the facilitator did an awesome job in each video. I actually felt like I was a part of the physical class. She did an excellent job of presenting and explaining everything. The facilitator was was made the online training so great for me. I was a little skeptical as to how much I would really learn, but it was a very good online course and presented very well. It definitely exceeded my expectations.”Natalie Workman, Lawrenceville, Indiana – July 2014“This training definitely met my expectations. I was most helped by the examples the instructor gave us which reinforced what was being taught. The training in general was very good and I feel confident that I can successfully use the ARISE formula to lead my group.”Roxanna Alessio, Pasadena, California – June 2014“This training definitely exceeded my expectations. I found the videos and exercises were the most helpful for me. In general, and for me personally, this was a very good training.”Alex Petrou Geelong, Australia – June 2014“This training exceeded my expectations. What I found most helpful about it was the way in which it was delivered. The presenter was very clear and the classroom was very interactive. Also the user interface for the content itself was well done; easy to navigate and to keep track of what I had done. I particularly found the step by step instructions of how to best utilize the ARISE curricula very helpful. I was looking forward to working with the kids already but this training just got me even more so! The presenter in the video clips of an actual training was wonderful and it was refreshing to see an instructor with such zest. In general I found the ARISE formula to be very beneficial. I also felt that it gives you the flexibility to tailor things to your own sessions. The online portal was very good and I believe this training will be of benefit to anyone seeking quality training for youth in the human services sector.”Gwendolyn Johnson Durham, NC“What I found most helpful about the training was the ability to complete it at my own pace. I thought the training was very informative and will assist me tremendously.”Kim Therrien Port Arthur, TX“This training exceeded my expectations. I particularly found the step by step instructions of how to best utilize the ARISE curricula very helpful. I was looking forward to working with the kids already but this training just got me even more so!”Alisha Rosenberger Yukon Territory, Canada“I live in Northern Canada, so being able to access the training from my office was fantastic!!! It can be difficult to access training when you live so far north! I really enjoyed the format, and flexibility of the course. The staff at ARISE were WONDERFUL to work with, and quick to help me resolve any issues I encountered while completing the course. I will definitely take more training from ARISE in the future! Jolliett was also AMAZING! I really enjoyed her style and learning from her!” See the complete evaluation.Leon S. Fields Thomson, GA“Despite the fact that it was an online training, the video sessions made me feel as though I was in the classroom with the other students. I really liked this training. At first I was skeptical, now I’m convinced that this was an excellent training program. I received several good suggestions for how to make my presentations more effective. I feel prepared to teach ARISE life skills lessons. ”Garrett Tuck Granbury, TX“The videos are the best. It was like being at an actually training but better. If I missed something, I just watched it again until I got it. The reference material is great and the additional material offered at the end of the course is fabulous. I want to continue to exchange ideas and comments. I would love to work with ARISE on a project someday. With your help, we at Hood County Counseling Center can help all folks succeed in life. Thank you for helping us achieve our goals.”Kristen Isaac Bear, DE“The training exceeded my expectations. Even though it was a trainer on video, the trainer was enthusiastic about what she was teaching and it helped me want to pay attention. The ARISE formula is very helpful. It was a great training, especially since it was online and it could have become boring and uninteresting. I feel prepared to teach ARISE life skills as a result of this online training.”Amy Phillips Aurora, IndianaThis is an excellent training for new group leaders. The ARISE teaching formula being played out in each session was helpful. This course was fun and easy to go through. The use of video clips of an actual training helped me understand how to present the materials in a classroom group setting.”Wanda Fluney Barrie, Ontario“The convenience of doing the lessons at my own pace, and the ability to watch the training being done by the instructor… a feeling of being in the class, without actually being there!”Paige Woodard Stockton, CA“I recently took the ARISE training online and I found it to be absolutely fantastic. The training was wonderful. Even though I was taking the class online with the instructor in the video, the worksheets, the forums, the encouragement and praise, I felt like I was right in the class room with them! I learned so much from this training that I can take right out into my line of work now! Thank you for the feedback. I had no idea you responded to the assignments. I loved it. This training taught me how to be approachable when teaching the class and how to get people to participate, even when they don’t normally do so. I feel that I have so much more knowledge that is going to help so many people and I couldn’t be happier, especially to know that I have been trained by whom I feel is the BEST! Thanks ARISE!”Marilu Ramirez Family Liaison Services Fresno, CA“The training was great and exceeded my expectations. The video clips of the actual training helped me view how I would teach my class. I now know to ask questions to get the youth involved in the lessons.The course was fun and easy to go through.”Daniel Alyea, DVI Prison, Tracy CA“This online training is EXCELLENT for the classes I have to do. It is wonderful for diverse populations in prison. The course gave me more of an understanding of teaching techniques then I already have. The customer service was excellent! I was immediately emailed when I had an issue about things. I would recommend this training to others!!!”Colleen Toulouse Special Education Resource Assistant Canada“I enjoyed the course. I feel I have successful gained skills and look forward to applying to my classroom. I enjoyed watching the videos . It was good to see an actual training. The ARISE teaching formula will enhance my teaching in a group discussion format. I am looking forward to using the curriculum materials in my class.”Kathy Givens, Crosbyton TX“This training was much better than I anticipated. The training of “ teaching” should be a prerequisite for all teachers in every school. This online course was much better than what they teach you in college. The Japanese school clip was amazing? Unforgettable training.”
Theresa Smith, Youth Group Coordinator, Friendship Center, Hinton, Alberta, Canada“This training exceeded my expectations. It showed me how easy it actually is to keep your anger under control through following the steps.. INothing needs to be improved upon, was a great course and i feel i can better handle the angry situations i may encounter. love the remote activity. I found putting down positive aspects instead of negative helped. I am better able to drop my stress after this training.”Cody Elder. Goodlettsville, Tennessee“This training met my expectations. It showed me I can choose to be happy in any situation. I will use the tools I learned to keep my stress levels low. I know by just breathing I can help myself. I am better able to drop my stress after this training..”Bobby Hall Jr. Murfreesboro, Tennessee“This training exceeded my expectations. What I liked most about the training were the videos and what I learned from them. I particularly liked the Happy Tree and Meditation exercises. I can see myself using the various tools a lot and often.”Lisa Hensley, Murfreesboro, Tennessee“I have really enjoyed the training thus far. The area that has had the biggest impact on me is CHOICE. I find myself stopping and thinking about a situation before I make the choice to have a bad day or a good day, be in the red zone or the blue zone. I find myself using calming words to correct behavior and think about one of the first videos at the breakfast table. I have shared some of the training with my family at home and really admire Jackie Robinson.”Jackenya Douglas Murfreesboro, Tennessee“This training exceeded my expectations. What I liked most about it is everything I learned to deal with everyday problems. The positive energy and body language had the most impact on me personally. I can see myself using what I learned with the kids at my job.”Theresa Prater Rockvale, Tennessee“I found the training to be helpful in my career and personal life. I liked the relaxation techniques because I feel like I never have enough time on my hands because I seem to forget to take a time out for myself. I can see the various tools being used in my profession with juvenile offenders when they are having a bad day. To me this training was very useful!”Shelly Vaughan Manchester, Tennessee“I loved all the new techniques I have learned and knowing I have the right to choose to be happy. The 90/10 day was my favorite. It was a truth that I had not ever really thought about. It was awesome!”Charlene Tait Spring Hill, Tennessee“The information was clear and you could understand and relate. The activities that had the most impact on me personally were the ways to deal with stress, and the breathing exercises: Don’t worry be happy! ”Troymeca Wilkes, Murfreesboro, Tennessee“What I liked most about this training was the part where you are reminded to make your own choices and choose to be happy. This training course exceeded my expectations.”
The following testimonials were provided by youth under the age of 18. Their names have been made private for this reason.KB Alternative School, Florida“I learned to control my hot temper by deep breathing, listening to music and talking to friends and family. This really helps me when I get very angry.”JB Detention Center, North Florida“What I learned in ARISE, will help me when I get out of this place. It helps me with people skills and how to become an overall better person.”EH Secure Facility, Central Florida“The ARISE program helps me understand how other people feel. I use to do things that hurt people, but I didn’t know. Now I know and I think about that before I do something.”SH DC Cares“I enjoy the ARISE because they taught me how to think before I act and not to allow others to control me.”Learner“ARISE has definitely helped me with my anger problems by focusing on my strong points and eliminating my weaknesses. Now I can handle negative situations without blowing up.”Learner“ARISE groups have helped me with my low self-image. I learned how to make better and more positive decisions. I have also learned how to confront my problems in a more positive way.”R.H. Polk Regional Juvenile Detention Center“Arise Four Wheel drive for the Mind books taught me how to have better coping skills and better self esteem. It also taught me to control my actions and that is good because I never controlled my actions”.J.W. Polk Regional Juvenile Detention Center“Learning about reaction and action helped me find better ways to handle situations that were hard for me… I love to draw and we were able to have drawing activities and this was fun.”J.F. Orange Regional Juvenile Detention Center“I like the ARISE books because they don’t sugar coat it for us. They tell us how it is in prison. They tell us they don’t like us being here. They talk to us for hours trying to get us to change our ways., They tell us about kids doing 10 years , 15 years or life for a crime with a gun. They tell us about reality. I like that you can talk about the seriousness of our charges that they aren’t a joke.”I.D. Orange Juvenile Detention Center“I like the lessons they taught that I can use them later in life. The lesson on anger control gave various reasons on how to control yourself. I would like more hands on activities and more artistic and creative things.”K.J. District of Columbia Group Home“I have learned to control my anger and not to “Kirk off” so quickly. I also learned about affirmations and compliments and how to give them.”A.M. District of Columbia Group Home“I learned how to communicate effectively and to listen. I learned the difference between sympathy and empathy. I also learned that a smile is one of the most powerful tools you can have.”K.O. District of Columbia Group Home“I learned about self-efficacy”“I enjoy working in these books because they’re very fun and easy to do. Everything I’m going through is in these books.”“This book helped me learn how to handle criticism and difficult people. Also, why dropping out of school is a very bad idea. I think students should stay in school because that’s the best thing you can do to be something in life and become something in the future. And getting pregnant is the worst thing ever because when you become a mother you can’t go to school, have fun, enjoy your life. No, that is not the right decision to make!”