Life Skills Curriculum Packages
ARISE life skills curriculum packages help youth deal with the events and challenges of everyday life. After participating in the ARISE life skills groups youth acquire a new sense of well-being, they are engaged in learning and motivated to make positive changes in their lives. It’s not magic! They now understand what society expects of them.

ARISE Life Skills Program for High School (41 Books, plus plus plus)
The ARISE Life Skills Package for High School consists of life skills curriculum designed to prepare students for success by giving them the life skills they need to be productive adults.
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Complete ARISE Anger Management Program (18 Books - plus plus)
The complete ARISE Anger Management Program helps teens and young adults learn behavioral skills that alert them to: the physical signs that indicate anger is rising, the emotional signs their anger level is going up, and the stressors that trigger anger. Sharing this practical information with rebellious youth and young adults can help reduce violence and conflict in their life.
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ARISE Life Skills Program for Middle School (21 Books, plus plus plus)
The ARISE Life Skills Package for Middle School consists of life skills curriculum designed to prepare students for success by giving them the life skills they need to move on to high school as productive young adults. Middle schoolers face many challenges involving expressing individuality, dealing with social pressures communicating with teachers, confronting bullies, bouncing back from disappointments, prioritizing needs and overcoming speed bumps.
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ARISE Life Skills Program for Pre-K and Elementary School (17 Books)
The ARISE Life Skills Package for Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary school consists of life skills lessons that enable children to adapt and deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. These core skills involve self-awareness, empathy, critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, effective communication, interpersonal relationships, coping with stress and emotions.
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ARISE Gang Prevention Program (18 Books - plus plus plus)
The ARISE Gang Prevention Package consists of life skills curriculum to help reduce the risk factors leading to gang membership. Time proven lessons created for use in juvenile justice facilities, schools, community-based organizations, after-school programs, mental health facilities, police departments and in any gang prevention program.

What Every Young Women Must Know (17 Books, Plus Plus Plus)
This package provides essential, important lessons on navigating relationships. At-risk girls have countless challenges to overcome such as abuse, anxiety, low self-esteem teen pregnancy, teen parenting, gang membership, trauma and more.
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ARISE Family Tools Where you see families connect and thrive (2 Books, plus plus plus)
ARISE Family Tools is a 12 session training used by organizations that are looking for a program they can conduct with the parents of the children and youth they serve. Each session can be 90 minutes. It is a practical approach to show families how to handle challenges and family relationships. It is like providing each parent their own tool chest in dealing with the dynamics of family life. Most families already have some tools to keep their family life running smoothly. Our intention is to add some more tools to the tool chest that can help create the most positive environment possible for every family member.
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