Online & Onsite Life Skills Staff Training
Every ARISE life skills instructor training program provides multi-sensory stimulation that allows participants to gain skills and competencies that encourage optimal implementation of the ARISE life skills curricula.
ARISE training encompasses the many facets of conducting vibrant, attention grabbing interactive group sessions. Particularly valuable are positive strategies for accommodating youth who bring anger, bullying and emotional problems to group sessions. Add training to your own site and make these workshops part of your grant proposals.
To find out more important information about life skills instructor training, you can give us a call at 1-561-630-2021 or email debby@arisefoundation.org

Online Life Skills Facilitator Training
ARISE On-line Life Skills Training prepares individuals and organizational staff to become ARISE Life Skills Group Facilitators. It is designed for those with no formal teaching experience and others with lots of know-how who want to refresh their skills, continue to educate and inspire youth with the very latest curricula and training the world has to offer.
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Online Drop it at the Door: Anger and Stress Management Staff Training
This staff training is a comprehensive, self-paced training designed to be taken at anytime from anywhere. This training includes the 29 online lessons, voluntary assessments, and feedback, plus all required materials such as the full blown 124-page anger and stress resource manual, which is a virtual life management skills tool chest that will never lose its value. You will receive a certificate of completion when you have successfully completed the 29 online sessions.
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Online Combo Staff Training
If your place of work is a challenge and the population you work with are at-risk or difficult to deal with, this combination training consisting of how to teach ARISE Life Skills lessons to the youth and Stress and Anger Management training is for you.
This amazing group facilitator training encourages facilitators to share how anger leads to stress and that anger most often leads to regret. Lots of regrets. Since, most ARISE groups are made up of populations who have never made the connection that out of control behavior is bad for them and those around them.

Online Life Skills Instructor Re-Certification
We are happy that you joined the ARISE family as an ARISE Certified Life Skills Group Facilitator. We hope you have been providing ARISE life-skills lessons to the youth in your organization. Now it’s time to renew your certification in order to stay up-to-date on the skills you learned at the training. You can complete the ARISE life skills re-certification by completing an online exam.
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Onsite 2-Day Life Skills Group Facilitator Training
This ARISE Life Skills Training certifies participants as ARISE Life Skills Group Facilitators. It is designed specifically for those who have no formal experience, but who are eager to teach life skills to at-risk youth, particularly those with anger issues and learning disabilities. It is also perfect for those with lots of know-how who want to refresh their skills. The training experience is highly interactive, with many opportunities to practice newfound coaching skills that hold the interest of troubled youth turned off by the usual classroom activities.
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ARISE 5-Day Virtual Master Life Skills Train the Trainer on Zoom
By enrolling in the ARISE Master Training participants will be well equipped to conduct the ARISE 2-Day Life Skills training for staff at the facility where they work. This training will build their skills as a trainer. This will enable a facility to develop a pool of competent instructors who can teach ARISE Life Skills Lessons to the youth.
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Onsite 5-Day Master Life Skills Staff Training
This five-day (35 hour) intensive (Train -the Trainer) course certifies participants as ARISE Master Life Skills Trainers and enables them to conduct the ARISE 2-Day Life Skills Instructor Training to professionally certify other staff and colleagues at their organization as ARISE Life Skills Instructors. Graduates have the knowledge and confidence to train others to help troubled youth to make fundamental changes in their lives.
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Onsite Drop it at the Door: Anger and Stress Management Training
ARISE Certified Drop It at The Door: Anger and Stress Management Staff Training provides participants with the tools needed to handle the anger, stress at work, worry, anxiety and guilt awaiting us as we open the doors to work and home.
This course is developed from 35 years of ARISE’s active evidence based hands-on training. ARISE provides practical, easy to use tools that comfortably regulate and reduce stress at work, anger and the impulse to react and lash out when obstacles appear.

Onsite Girls and Young Women Are Different: Gender Specific Awareness Staff Training
ARISE began its Girls Initiative by developing a Gender Awareness Training for the Department of Juvenile Justice staff who supervise young girls in detention and residential facilities. The Initiative was a partnership between ARISE and Vicki Lopez, a community volunteer who has worked with girls in the juvenile justice system for the last several years. Through our work with Mrs. Lopez, we realized that juvenile justice workers were treating boys and girls in the same ways which was having a negative effect on the girls in the system. To remedy this, we cover topics we find fundamental to addressing the current gender disparities in the juvenile justice system.
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