ARISE for AmeriCorps (18 Books)
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($602.10 value; a savings of $112.11 OFF regular prices)
AmeriCorps members and volunteers use their compassion, determination, and creativity to help strengthen communities across the country. Many of the volunteers work with at-risk youth populations in public, private and charter schools. ARISE offers easy to use life skills curriculum and staff training to help volunteers make an impact on the students social, emotional, and academic development.
Overview of this package
This package consists of life skills that at-risk teens need to become productive members of society. It can be used by AmeriCorps volunteers who work with at-risk teens in group settings at public, private or charter schools, juvenile justice facilities, mental health groups, church groups, or community-based organizations. It consists of instructor manuals for the AmeriCorps volunteers and workbooks for the youth in need of life skills lessons. The package consists of the following topics: anger management, Violence and Conflict, learning strategies, time management, jobs, dealing with money and health and well being.
Package Format
- Perfect for teens.
- Excellent for groups where the populations come and go. They can be in a group for a day or for months. Each lesson stands alone.
- Consists of 18 unique curricula plus unforgettable educational life skills posters and very special positivity cards.
- Each lesson is 45–60-minutes.
- These life skills lessons engage the youth in memorable interactive group discussions and hands-on activities. Opinions matter in ARISE groups. There are no put downs.
- Every lesson is self-contained, and no additional material is needed.
- High interest but low reading level. No big words to trip and fall over that would turn these youth off.
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual (or individual title) and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 2 Learning Strategies and Time Management (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 2 Learning Strategies and Time Management (Workbook)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Manual)
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3 Networking, Jobs and Money (Workbook)
The Complete Official Homosapiens Series
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 1 Parts and Operations (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 1 Parts and Operations (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 2 Maintaining Your Equipment (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 2 Maintaining Your Equipment (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 3 Take the Highway to Health (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 3 Take the Highway to Health (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 4 Family Medical Records (Manual)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Book 4 Family Medical Records (Workbook)
The Official Homo Sapiens Operator's Manual Vocabulary Book
150 Tips for Dealing with Anger, Temper, Worry and Stress
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