ARISE for Head Start (14 Books; Pre-K and Kindergarten Parenting)
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ARISE Life Skills for Head Start
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ARISE Life Skills curriculum for Head Start helps children prepare for success in school and in life. The skills include social and emotional skills, critical thinking and problem solving, creative thinking and building a positive attitude to learning.
Head Start curriculum lessons include:
- Building Self-Esteem
- What is a Family?
- Friendship
- Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers
- Living in Communities
- Safety and Health
- Respect
- Conflict Resolution
- Sharing
- Honesty
- Manners
- Following Rules
- Listening Skills
- Emotions and Feelings
- Handling Anger, Anxiety and stress
- Stranger Safety
- Poison Prevention
Included in the Head Start curriculum package are special family tools for helping families become appreciative, collaborative and effective in shaping positive family dynamics.
Sessions include:
- Stress Buster Tools
- Communication Tools
- Spreading Kindness
- Developing Optimism
- Choosing Happiness
- Staying Cool
- Negotiation Skills
In addition, in this package are lessons for parents of young children that stress the emotional and mental development of babies and toddlers and how to keep them safe.
The ARISE Life Skills program for Head Start is emotionally rich, stimulating, and engaging. You now have the unique opportunity to assemble your own ARISE life-skills library at a generous reduction off the normal retail price, allowing you to add evidence-based structure to your programs.
Includes the following 12 ARISE Instructor Manuals, 2 Learner’s Workbooks and the Complete ARISE Family Tools program.
Little by Little Pre-K - 3-Book Series
Little By Little Pre-K Book 1 Me and My World
Little By Little Pre-K Book 2 Keeping Me Safe and Healthy
Little by Little K-Grade 1 Book 3 Safety All Around
Little by Little K-Grade 1 - 4-Book Series
Little by Little K-Grade 1 Book 1 My Character and Ethics
Little by Little K-Grade 1 Book 2 All About Me
Little by Little K-Grade 1 Book 3 Safety All Around
Little by Little K-Grade 1 Book 4 Art Activities and Puppet Plays
Stranger Safety Book
Big ARISE Safety Book
Poison Prevention Activity Book
Sprouts Book 2: Physical and Emotional Development Manual and Learner Workbook
Sprouts Book 4: Child Safety Manual and Learner Workbook