Complete ARISE Youth Anger Management Program (18 Books - plus plus)
Regular price
($949.80 value; a savings of $189.81 OFF regular prices)
Plus plus plus includes:
One ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training. (To order additional trainings visit: ARISE Online Life Skills Facilitator Training).
Overview of this Package
The complete ARISE Youth Anger Management Program helps teens and young adults learn behavioral skills that alert them to: the physical signs that indicate anger is rising, the emotional signs their anger level is going up, and the stressors that trigger anger. Sharing this practical information with rebellious youth and young adults can help reduce violence and conflict in their life.
The GOAL of this package is to:
- Teach teens and young adults how to manage factors that make them angry.
- Identify situations that can set them off.
- Learn skills to use when their anger is triggered.
- How to take a deep breath and calm themselves down.
- How to communicate effectively and express their feelings in a positive way.
The curriculum included in this package strengthens the youth’s understanding in the following areas:
- Types of Anger
- Controlling Anger
- Communication and Listening
- Mediation
- Dealing with Conflict
- Dealing with Abuse
- Dealing with Drugs and Alcohol
- Guns and Violence
- Confrontation
- Gangs
Package Format
- Used for grades 9-12 and young adults.
- Consists of 18 curricula, plus educational posters and positivity cards.
- Each lesson can stand alone-start with whatever topic you want.
- There is an Instructor’s Manual and Learner’s Workbook for each topic.
- Lessons engage the youth in interactive group discussions and hands-on activities.
- Every lesson is self-contained, and no additional material is needed.
- High interest and low reading level.
The following materials are included in the complete youth anger management program:
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual (or individual title) and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 1 Anger Management (Workbook)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Manual)
Work In Progress Book 4 Violence and Conflict (Workbook)
Domestic Abuse (Manual)
Domestic Abuse (Workbook)
ARISE On Stage (Manual)
ARISE On Stage (Workbook)
When There’s Trouble, Who Do You Call? (Manual)
When There’s Trouble, Who Do You Call? (Workbook)
You Bet I'm Listening (Manual)
Gangs: 50+ Stories of Fractured Lives
Enough is Enough: Grandma Shares Heartbreaking Stories
Anger Danger: 50+ Anger Stories with Real-Life Consequences
Taneka's Tales 31 Stories of Urban Life
150 Tips for Dealing with Anger, Temper, Worry and Stress
What Life is Like Behind Bars
Only Joking
Plus plus includes:
5 Full-Color, 12x18, Laminated Educational Posters
1 Sample pack of ARISE Life Skills Positivity Cards (50 cards per pack)
1 Maximize the Effectiveness of ARISE Positivity Cards