School Drop Out Prevention Series
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The Series Printed in Hardcopy :
Includes 2 Instructor Manuals and 2 Learner Workbooks a total of four books.
Every 29 seconds, a student gives up on school. In an effort to turn the tide, ARISE created a riveting series on dropout prevention. Dropping out of school is like dropping something heavy on your foot: it hurts you and keeps you from moving forward.
Using clear language, blunt and to-the-point lessons and real-life advice, Manual 1 titled So You’re Thinking of Dropping Out of School? warns of how difficult life can be for a high school dropout.
Manual 2, titled So You’re Thinking of Staying in School?, focuses on the skills youth need to successfully complete their education—communication and relationship skills, decision making, and maintaining a positive attitude.
Designed for teens who have trouble with reading and writing, the interactive worksheets and activities in these books capture their attention with eye-opening statistics, illustrations and case studies that make a strong case for earning a diploma. The Instructor’s Manuals also include instructional guidelines, quizzes and assessments, and answer keys.
Each of the manuals can also be purchased individually as a printed hard-copy. Each book has a corresponding learner’s workbook available for purchase as a printed hard-copy:
View sample pages from each book by clicking on the links below for each Manual and then click on VIEW SAMPLE.
So You're Thinking of Dropping Out of School? (Manual)
So You're Thinking of Dropping Out of School? (Workbook)
So You're Thinking of Staying in School? (Manual)
So You're Thinking of Staying in School (Workbook)