Anger Management Program for Middle School

Anger Management Program for Middle School

Regular price $350.00 Sale

This collection of our most popular anger management materials includes teaching guidelines, lesson plans, quizzes and assessments, answer keys, interactive activities and learner’s worksheets, motivational posters and a video—enough to keep your learners engaged for months.

This Special Anger Management Package for Middle School includes the following 5 ARISE Instructor Manuals as well as their associated Learner Workbooks (A total of 8 books)

Work in Progress Book 1: Anger Management
Brain Food Book 1: Peaceful Living
Brain Food Book 2: Creating a Positive Outlook
When There’s Trouble, Who Do You Call?
Life Isn’t Fair

Positivity Cards:
ARISE Positivity Card Deck

Anger Management & Meditation, 10 minutes

 Motivational Posters:
7 Laminated Motivational Posters