Juvenile Justice Programs
Juvenile Justice facilities have successfully implemented and used the following materials or a subset of them:
Work In Progress Book 1: Anger Management
Work In Progress Book 2: Substance Abuse and Guns
Work In Progress Book 3: Domestic and Sexual Abuse
Work In Progress Book 4: Violence and Conflict
So You’re Thinking of Dropping Out of School
So You're Thinking of Staying in School
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 1: Self-Esteem
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 2: Learning Strategies and Time Management
Four Wheel Drive for the Mind Book 3: Networking, Jobs, and Money
Basic Health 101 Book 1: Health and Hygiene
Basic Health 101 Book 2: Nutrition and Exercise
Brain Food Book 1: Peaceful Living
Brain Food Book 2: Creating a Positive Outlook
Brain Food Book 3 Supercharging Your System
Brain Food Book 4: Being Safe
Brain Food Book 5: More Secrets of Success
Brain Food Book 6: The Right Stuff and Money Matters
Taneka’s Tales, 31 Stories of Urban Life
Sprouts Book 2: Physical and Emotional Development
Sprouts Book 3: Building a Family and Teen Pregnancy
Sprouts Book 4: Child Safety
Fatherhood: Dad’s Basic Training
Rules of the Road