ARISE Life Skills Instructor Re-Certification
Regular price
We are happy that you joined the ARISE family as an ARISE Certified Life Skills Group Facilitator.
We hope you have been providing ARISE life-skills lessons to the youth in your organization. Now it’s time to renew your certification in order to stay up-to-date on the skills you learned at the training. You can complete the ARISE life skills re-certification by reading the study guide and completing an online exam.
As soon as your payment is received, we will send the link to the study guide and exam via e-mail to the e-mail address you indicated on your order.
Please make sure to click the “SUBMIT YOUR EXAM” button to send your exam to ARISE. Remember that all fields on the exam are required. If you forgot to complete a field, you will not be able to submit your exam. Once we receive your exam, we will grade it, issue your new certificate and email it to the email address you entered on the exam form. The certificate will be in PDF format and is printable on a 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper. The re-certification is valid for ONE YEAR from the date the certificate is issued. It will take about 10 business days for us to e-mail your certificate. We do not mail re-certification certificates via regular mail.
We recommend that you download and review the study guide before taking the exam.