Drop It at the Door ON-LINE Anger Management Staff Training
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Back in 1995 ARISE Foundation developed its on site Drop it at the Door Anger Management (DIATD) course. Conducted by ARISE senior trainers to fill the need for stress and anger management specifically for those working with teens and young adults in high stress situations such as caregivers for incarcerated at-risk youth, probation officers, community based organizational staff, health and social workers. Those who benefit most are front line staff whose job it is to grin and bear often dangerous, aggravating situations that become intolerable for those untrained in using positive steps to diffuse negative situations.
ARISE titled this particular training experience Drop it at the Door Anger Management because all too often we carry work problems home and disputes and issues that should remain at home are brought back to work. This creates an endless cycle of anger, stress and frustration that plagues today’s work and home environment.
Fee and Downloadable Course Materials at a price only a non-profit could offer.
The fee for this comprehensive DIATD anger and stress management course is $220 per person. This includes the 30 online lessons, ARISE senior trainers individual lesson critique, assessment and feedback plus all required materials such as the full blown 124 page anger and stress resource manual, which is a virtual life management skills tool chest that will never lose its value. Those working under demanding conditions will find the DIATD course delivers a wealth of personal anger and stress management strategies for workplaces where personnel are also required to collaborate with and motivate others under challenging circumstances. Also included is an impressive certificate of completion suitable for framing provided to graduates upon successful completion of the ARISE Drop it at the Door Anger Management course.
10 days after completion of this course, we will mail you a beautiful 12″x18″ full-color ARISE Life-Skills Instructor Certificate printed on parchment stock, suitable to display prominently.