Online Combo Staff Training
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If your place of work is a challenge and the population you work with are at-risk or difficult to deal with, this combination training consisting of how to teach ARISE Life Skills lessons to the youth and Stress and Anger Management training is for you.
This amazing group facilitator training encourages facilitators to share how anger leads to stress and that anger most often leads to regret. Lots of regrets. Since, most ARISE groups are made up of populations who have never made the connection that out of control behavior is bad for them and those around them.
This Drop it at the Door: ARISE Anger and Stress Management course boosts job performance, upgrades skills, brings peace and harmony to the workplace (and home too):
Unwrap these proven tools to reduce staff anxiety, stress, and tension in challenging workplaces, with hard to handle populations.
Learn what it takes to successfully deal with your own and other's emotions and attitudes to navigate through this strange and challenging time.
Take charge of the causes of stress. Learn why gossip, anger, and criticizing others keeps us focused on the problems, not solutions.
Discover the mind-body connection. Share the secrets of how your body responds to the way you think and act, positive or negative. Lasting change is brought about by using kind words, a relaxed attitude, find out how a genuine smile and sincere encouragement can calm troubled minds.
These life management skills will help improve relationships in every area of your life. Absorb the remarkable listening skills to connect with co-workers and those you are responsible for. Remember to use these wonderful listening skills at home too.
Topics Covered in the Drop it at the Door: Anger and Stress Management Training part of the Combo Training:
- Anger solutions.
- Peaceful living tools.
- Happiness as a choice.
- Communication skills.
- Stress reduction.
- Tools for staying cool.
- Thoughts become things.
- Boosting happiness.
- Creating the life, you want.
The ARISE Life Skills Facilitator Training has powerful benefits at work and home:
Learn to comfortably conduct ARISE interactive life skills lessons with your groups where everyone’s opinion is appreciated, and the participation is amazing.
You will learn how to create an environment that encourages respect and positivity even under adverse circumstances.
Also, take pride in your newly acquired listening skills. Among other benefits, strong listening skills will improve one’s chances of promotion, helps resolve conflicts, builds trust, and inspires people. (Even your kids)
– Thomas Freedman
Modeling positive behavior is a powerful tool for building a comfort zone that silently influences and relaxes others. Success is assured when you notice others are imitating your words and actions. There are no guarantees, of course, but modeling the behavior you want to see in others can resolve conflicts peacefully.
ARISE life skills lessons are about finding one’s self-worth, controlling anger, communicating with respect and so much more. Best of all these skills last a person’s lifetime. (That’s why they are called life skills lessons.)
Topics Covered in the Life skills part of Combo Training:
- Using the ARISE Teaching Formula
- Establishing group guidelines
- Positive reinforcement
- How to ask questions to engage youth
- How to increase participation
- Communication skills
- Using stories and quotations to inspire
- Planning activities
- Utilizing communication builders
- Observing practice lessons from assorted ARISE curriculum
- Practice planning and presenting lessons
Format of the Combo Online Training
- You receive a log in and password for each part of the training that allows access to the training.
- Training is available to fit into your schedule: ARISE will coordinate with you the time frame you need to complete this training. Let ARISE know when you are ready to start; and experience two of ARISE's most popular trainings whose impact can last you a lifetime.
- Each of the lessons has video clips from an actual training, materials to read, and an assignment to complete.
- While the training is self-paced you are not left on your own. ARISE provides encouragement, friendly suggestions and answers to questions you may have during the entire ARISE Combo training experience.
- Complete a pre/post survey.
- Receive a certificate of completion for each part of the Combo Training.