Young children spending more than 75 minutes on a tablet were more likely to show increased outbursts of anger and frustration, a new study from The 74, a nonprofit new site covering education. This information appeared in “Youth Today” September 24, 2024.
This study shows a direct link between tablet use
and a cycle that could interfere with
the development of self-regulation skills.
A lead researcher on the study said when preschoolers spend time on tablets at 3½ years of age, they show increased outbursts of anger by age 4½, which then leads to increased time on computer tablets by 5½. Tablet use delays the children’s ability to deal with their emotions, leading them to use screen time to soothe themselves when they are upset.
The preschool years are a very important time for learning how to cope with negative emotions (like frustration and anger) said Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, an assistant professor of psychoeducation at the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec.
Research suggests that you should delay introducing young children to screen technology. The World Health Organization stresses the importance of physical activity, interactive play and quality sleep over sedentary screen time.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics limit the screen time to one hour per day co-viewing with a teacher who encourages discussions about the content. An adult enhances the educational value of screen time. Parents or caregivers should follow this also.