At-risk youth deal with many unique problems. . These children and adolescents can come from abusive households or have experience with drugs and alcohol. Since their environments can be extreme, therapists can be beneficial in helping children and youth successfully transition into adulthood. Here are different ways therapists can empower at-risk youth.
Provide Them With Community Resources
A lot of at-risk youth don’t know where to look for help. A skilled therapist should make sure these adolescents have access to community resources. They can recommend private and public institutions, volunteer groups, and faith-based organizations. The more the youth feel connected to the community, the larger sense of purpose they’ll feel in their lives.
Point Out Their Strengths
At-risk youth might be craving support they don’t receive at home. As a result, their therapist should step in and point out the child’s strengths. The therapist should get to know them and take a valid interest in what they like to do. Once the therapist is familiar with them, they can point out their strengths and encourage them to pursue them later in life.
Set Goals
One of the primary jobs of a therapist is to provide their clients with tools they can use to succeed in the future. Therapists must prepare these kids for the future and give them skills they can use throughout their lives. The Arise Foundation offers evidence-based life skills curriculum that can be used to help youth set goals, managage anger and stress, improve their feelings of self-worth,manage their time and a lot more.
These are just a few different ways therapists can empower at-risk youth. At-risk youth may be looking for an outside support system they don’t have a home. Therapists can fill that role for them.They help them to understand their emotions. Therapy can promote one’s self-esteem Using tools provided by the Arise Foundation, therapists can give these children and adolescents the confidence they need to live a successful life.