10 Things to Remember about Conflict Resolution, brought to you by ARISE Life Skills & Training

  1. Don’t instigate. Mediate.
  2. Praise in public; disagree in private.
  3. Don’t fight; make things right.
  4. Treat other people with respect.
  5. Be polite (It makes you look good.)
  6. Talk it out – no need to shout.
  7. Fight brewing? Walk, don’t talk.
  8. Don’t be a fool; keep your cool.
  9. If you believe, you will achieve.
  10. Violence is wrong. Peace is strong

Anger management and conflict resolution are a big part of the innovative WORK IN PROGRESS  series.   This series, like all the ARISE lessons, are interactive, dynamic and anything but boring! Work in Progress also features lessons on: drug prevention, peer pressure, alcohol abuse, gun safety, violence and domestic abuse and sexual abuse:

View ARISE online staff training on anger and stress management. 

View all ARISE Positivity cards