
Bullying is a Mental Health Issue

Bullying is a Mental Health Issue
The CDC “defines bullying as unwanted aggressive behaviors by another youth or group of youths, that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance, and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm. Bullying can also occur through technology, which is called cyberbullying.” 

How to Recognize Emotional Triggers

How to Recognize Emotional Triggers
Emotional triggers can be memories, people, or objects that bring out intense negative emotions. It can affect anyone at any time. For example, some people may be triggered by getting into an elevator because of a fear of heights.

Importance of a Healthy Father and Son Relationship

Importance of a Healthy Father and Son Relationship

Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them. They also look to their fathers to provide a feeling of security, both physical and emotional. An involved father promotes healthy development in his children.

Life Skills for Adults: Drop Stress, Anger & Frustration at the Door

Life Skills for Adults: Drop Stress, Anger & Frustration at the Door

Life is complicated. We are forced to navigate the world of work and of our home life. We need to bring our whole selves to work by dropping the stress, worry, anxiety, and guilt at the door.  When we leave to go home, we need to bring our positive selves home and leave the stress, worry, fears, and anxiety collected from dealing with the day’s events at the door.  This is a tough challenge for everyone. We all need to improve our mental health.  We need ARISE life skills for adults.

Fostering Gratitude Not only on Thanksgiving but Every Day in At-Risk, Troubled Children and Teens

Fostering Gratitude Not only on Thanksgiving but Every Day in At-Risk, Troubled Children and Teens

Research has shown that gratitude plays a big role in an adult’s wellbeing and success.

Recent studies are showing that gratitude is beneficial in children and young adolescents. Grateful adolescents are happier and more optimistic and satisfied with their lives and more engaged in school. 

Conflict Resolution Strategies for Middle School Youth

Conflict Resolution Strategies for Middle School Youth

Middle school is a time of immense growth and development and at the same time emotional turmoil in which there are peer conflicts, conflict with adults and conflicts with themselves. Here are strategies to share to help middle school at risk youth develop conflict resolution skills.

Long Term Effects of Vulnerable Youth in Foster Care and Those Aging Out of Foster Care

Long Term Effects of Vulnerable Youth in Foster Care and Those Aging Out of Foster Care

Children and teens who live in long-term foster care experience higher rates of behavioral and emotional problems compared with their peers who are reunited with their families or adopted, according to new research from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire.

Strategies for Managing Conflict in a Classroom

Strategies for Managing Conflict in a Classroom
Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly and efficiently. The teacher, counselor, or youth workers role in helping at-risk youth resolve conflicts is to listen. Listening empowers the youth to take ownership of the conflict.

Teaching At-Risk Youth, the Learning Strategy called GRIT

ARISE Blog, Teaching Children about GRIT
Grit is defined as passion and perseverance in pursuit of long-term goals. Grit is not talent nor luck. It is having a goal and working toward that goal. Not giving up.  Angela Duckworth has popularized the concept of Grit. Grit is a life skill that can be learned. Angela Duckworth said: “Grit may not be sufficient for success, but it sure is necessary. If we want our children to have a shot at a productive and satisfying life, we adults should make it our concern to provide them with the two things all children deserve: challenges to exceed what they were able to do yesterday and the support that makes that growth possible.

Suicide - A Social Issue Facing Middle and High School Youth Today

Suicide - A Social Issue Facing Middle and High School Youth Today
Suicides among young people is a serious problem. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for children, adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years old. Since the beginning of COVID suicide has increased in at-risk teens and young adults.

Ten Social Issues Facing Middle Schoolers

Ten Social Issues Facing Middle Schoolers
1. Stress

These young people in middle school have stress in their life. They may have negative thoughts or feelings about themselves. Their bodies are changing and that is stressful. They may have family problems such as separation or divorce of parents. They may have issues with their friends. Hanging with the wrong crowd can be stressful.  Some may live in unsafe environments. They make take on too many activities. Others live in poverty, or their families are facing financial or medical problems. If they have to change schools, this can be a major stressor.

How At-Risk Troubled Youth Become Troubled Adults

How At-Risk Troubled Youth Become Troubled Adults

ARISE Life Skills Curriculum help youth deal with the events and challenges of everyday life. After participating in the ARISE life skills groups youth acquire a new sense of well-being, they are engaged in learning and motivated to make positive changes in their lives.