Life Skills Are Not Hereditary; They Must Be Taught

Ever struggle with anger or stress? Wish you could manage your finances more effectively or build stronger, more lasting relationships? Life Skills are the pieces of knowledge that get us through each day. They are taught to us by our parents, teachers and friends. But what if they aren’t taught?

That is where the nonprofit ARISE Foundation’s Life Skills training comes in. ARISE “trains the trainers” on how to provide invaluable life skills to at-risk youth. Most of these kids have never had a solid adult role model before. ARISE educates Juvenile Justice Officers, teachers and anyone who works with at-risk kids on how to teach life skills in a way that is both structured and fun for both the instructors and the students. ARISE has helped millions learn skills that can help them avoid gangs, settle conflict, prevent STD’s and AIDS, find great jobs, network, manage their money, purchase and insure a car, recognize domestic abuse and so much more.

Here are just some of the hundreds of complete courses ARISE offers for children and adults: -Drug Awareness and Prevention -Anger Management -How to deal with Fear, Worry and Guilt -How to Purchase, Insure and safely operate an automobile -Healthy nutrition, fitness and health habits -How to avoid Teen Pregnancy -Advice for teens on parenting & raising a happy, healthy child -Stranger Safety, Gun Safety & Poison Prevention -How to network & Find a Job -Interview Skills -Negotiation Skills …and that is just the beginning! Each series is a complete course in each subject. The books inspire conversation and interaction with lively activities, role-play and exercises.

You don’t have to be a professional educator to teach one of the life skills sessions. All you need is a desire to make a difference. Life skills are certainly not hereditary, but it is the ARISE mission to equip at-risk youth with the tools they need to lead happy, healthy, successful lives.